For the FY2020/21 year the Minister reported revenue and grants of N$57.8 billion, a one percent decrease compared to FY2019/20. Revenue categories that decreased were income tax on individuals (2.7 percent), VAT(24.9 percent), other taxes on income and profits (23.2 percent), withholding tax on interest (18.1 percent) and other taxes (10.6 percent). Tax on international trade (SACU) recorded a strong growth from N$18.9 billion to N$22.3 billion.
The revised revenue estimate for FY2021/22 was reported to be N$53.6 billion. By the end of January 2022, the preliminary revenue outturn for FY2021/22 stood at N$44.1 billion, reflecting a collection rate of 84.8 percent. Strong collections at a higher than annual targets from transfer duties, stamp duties and non-resident shareholders tax have however been reported. Final expected revenue for FY2021/22 will be N$53.4 billion.
SACU receipts for 2021/22 declined by N$7.5 billion to about N$14.8 billion. Further decreased SACU receipts are expected for 2022/23.
In FY2022/23 total revenue is projected to increase to N$59.7 billion. The increase is expected from diamond mining tax and dividends from Namdia, DebMarine Namibia and Namdeb Holdings. Proceeds from the partial listing of MTC and dividends from the Namibia Post and Telecom Holdings will also contributed to increased revenues.
From FY2023/24 going forward, revenue is expected to increase further as the economic activity begins to recover and as COVID-19 subsides.
The Minister further reported total expenditure for FY2020/21 to be N$72.0 billion, representing an increase of 7.0 percent compared to FY2019/20. Revised estimates for FY2021/22 by the end of January 2022 were N$57.4 billion.
Overall, the budget deficit for FY2021/22 is expected to stay unchanged at 8.6 percent of GDP and the budget deficit for the FY2022/23 financial year is projected to be at 5.6 percent of GDP at N$11.1billion.