Deloitte Namibia has a significant number of Chartered Accountants (CA's) in relation to its total number of professional employees. Our firm currently has 20 chartered accountants in its employ, of which 12 are qualified black chartered accountants. Deloitte has produced, on average, 29% of Namibia’s chartered accountants over the last 9 years, and over 42% of all black chartered accountants in Namibia.
Our Risk Advisory business unit holds, amongst others, highly specialized computer audit capability, including three Certified Information Systems Auditors (CISAs), one Certified Information Security Manager (CISM) and two Certified Internal Auditors (CIAs).
Gerda Brand, who holds Law degree, HDip Tax and a Diploma in VAT, is the Tax Director heading up the tax division. The team comprising seven full time tax professionals. The tax team members hold various tax degress and diplomas and has a depth of knowledge covering the entire spectrum of taxes.