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Remote, controlled – This changes everything: Five key actions companies can take now to operationalise their remote work programme

News Release

Combining Deloitte’s own experience based on work with companies around the world with our first global remote work survey of more than 820 respondents and a series of interviews with clients across 45 countries, our new report explores five key actions for organisations to take now to chart their course and progress their remote work strategies.

NEW YORK, NY, US, 12 December 2022 — Almost 80% of respondents to Deloitte’s Remote Work Survey said they plan to allow some level of remote and hybrid ways of working.

However, many have not yet taken steps to mitigate tax and talent concerns to operationalise remote work with a long-term perspective. There is a gap between ambition when it comes to policy rollout and action.

In August and September 2022, Deloitte surveyed more than 820 tax, HR, finance, mobility and payroll professionals across small and large businesses globally who were asked how they have handled and responded to remote and hybrid work practices and policies. We also reached out to clients—to glean their insights about the global remote work journey and predictions on where it’s heading.

Combined with Deloitte’s own experience based on work with companies around the world, this report offers five key actions for organisations to take now to chart their course and progress their remote work strategies:

  1. Align your remote work model to organisational strategy
  2. Assess the risk
  3. Identify the routes to enablement
  4. Determine how to best track and govern your remote population
  5. Stay connected to the long-term talent strategy

“Almost all of our clients are dealing with remote work challenges. Many are requesting advisory support to keep up with the demands—with operationalising processes that can support the policies they have implemented - as being one of the many issues they are looking to address,” said Jim Pickett, Deloitte Global GES Clients & Market Leader. “The insights we’ve gleaned from our work with these clients and from our survey will help companies to further bridge the gap between their ambitions and actions when it comes to making remote work, well, work.”

About the Deloitte Remote Work Survey

Deloitte’s online survey was in the field from August 11 to August 31, 2022, and garnered responses from 822 participants across 45 countries representing a wide variety of industries, company sizes and functional specialties. During September 2022, Deloitte also conducted a series of in-depth one on-one interviews with HR, mobility and tax leaders to gather additional insight.

To dive deeper into these findings, you can view the full report.