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Financial Crime Advisory

Helping clients anticipate risks and protect their organisation and brand

Deloitte has been on the forefront of helping clients meet the myriad challenges of financial crime issues for decades, utilising in-depth sector experience and financial crime domain knowledge and drawing on a global network of intelligence analysts to deliver that subject matter excellence.

We provide our clients the following offerings:

  • Accounting irregularities / financial statement fraud investigations
  • Customer onboarding and periodic reviews (KYC) / managed services
  • Financial crime processes outsourcing and operate services
  • Financial Crime processes and controls
  • Financial Crime investigations (e.g., asset misappropriations, market misconduct, sanctions)
  • Independent reviews and compliance inspections
  • Operational processes and implement latest technologies supporting data centric approaches
  • Programme design, implementation, assessments
  • Sanctions hit decisioning
  • Regulatory response support
  • Remediation and lookback reviews
  • Risk assessments
  • Third party due diligence
  • Transaction monitoring alert analysis and investigations

Explore our Financial Crime services

Provide proactive and reactive consulting, analytics, investigation services, and remediation assistance to clients that are working to manage the risk and vulnerabilities that arise from global corruption, corporate fraud, whistleblower allegations and other threats.

Design, implement, enhance and test AML and counter terrorism financing (CTF) programmes, including risk assessments, know your customer (KYC), technology solutions, governance, executive training and historical AML lookbacks. We have one of the largest and most mature AML practices that delivers seamless and consistent services for our global clients.

Using our advanced analytics capability and deep technical experience, we help clients quickly and efficiently address their issues. We deploy sophisticated analytics approaches to gain a deeper and more complete understanding of what has occurred and how similar problems can be prevented. We also work proactively to detect inefficiencies and anomalies in systems - targeting cost recovery and identifying potential issues before they happen.

We combine our highly specialised skills in the areas of corporate investigations with deep financial acumen and advanced analytics to produce transformative insights which help our clients move ahead with confidence amidst an environment of expanding global footprints and increased regulation. Deloitte's global network allows us to conduct extensive fact-finding and investigations anywhere in the world to deliver broader solutions to clients, along the entire lifecycle, from proactive consulting to investigations to remediation.

Our fraud management services enable real-time identification and detection of fraud and misuse at an enterprise level and guard organisations against increasingly sophisticated fraud risks. We support fraud management teams across multiple organisations in their efforts to manage fraud holistically - prevention, detection and response. Developing a fraud management capability not only helps our clients to proactively manage fraud and respond more effectively to fraud incidents but also improves the overall effectiveness and efficiency of their business. 

Market misconduct can take many shapes, from false trading, insider trading, to the disclosure of information about prohibited transactions, and other similar actions where market interference results in undue profits. The global regulatory focus on market misconduct is evolving and institutions are increasingly expected to demonstrate how they manage market abuse and misconduct. With our business, technology and regulatory advisors, we help our clients in assessing their risk and designing, implementing, and maintaining the right conduct risk programme. 

Achieving compliance for Sanctions is a complex process. Regulations frequently cary across separate juisdictions and their requirements can evolve with limited regulatory guidance. Deloitte has unparalleled experience in this area, having designed, reviewed, enhanced, implemented and monitored numerous financial sanctions, detection and compliance programmes for clients around the world. Our Sanctions programme includes technology and alert assessments, conduct investigations, lookbacks, alert dispositions and testing by using our global knowledge and insights.

Financial Crime Symposium Series

Over the past 15 years, Deloitte has hosted a global client Financial Crime symposium series in various countries to provide insights on the latest developments, featuring sessions on innovation, emerging risks, global insights, compliance and regulatory updates. These events bring together hundreds of industry professionals from financial institutions, corporations, regulators, and law enforcement. Our Financial Crime symposiums have been held in:

• Australia

• Austria

• Bermuda

• Canada

• Cayman Islands

• China

• Czech Republic

• Germany

• India

• Japan

• Latvia

• Luxembourg

• Mexico

• The Netherlands

• Singapore

• South Africa

• Spain

• Switzerland

• Unites Arab Emirates

• Unites States 

Our Thinking