
B2B marketing: Six steps to thrive in a world upended by COVID-19

As sales teams work remotely and face-to-face interactions decrease, the conventional B2B model is no longer valid.

Marketing adaptation that prioritises digital transformation has become a priority. However, as much as a more mature B2B model has become critical for success, it is also an opportunity for businesses worldwide.

With new marketing techniques, organisations now have the opportunity to improve the way they strengthen relationships with their clients, understand their needs, offer a better service and improve the customer journey by offering a completely new digitally enabled human experience.

Deloitte Digital’s approach focuses on six key areas that ever business should adopt to ensure that their B2B model is robust and forward looking. These include:

  • Addressing a diverse number of people involved in purchase decisions
  • Becoming fully customer focused
  • Adapting to change and taking advantage of the vast innovations in technology
  • Transforming new business, operating and customer models to digital
  • Creating new marketing roles and functions within the organisation
  • Ensuring that teams don’t work in isolation and encouraging collaboration
B2B marketing: Six steps to thrive in a world upended by COVID-19
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