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Deloitte “GCC Indirect Tax” mobile app

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To address the growing Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) market need for information on Indirect Tax, Deloitte has launched an app called “GCC Indirect Tax” which is an update of the previous “VAT in the GCC guide” mobile application. The content of the previous app has been expanded in order to provide tax professionals with a live knowledge base of essential Indirect Tax information which include a wide range of topics including VAT, Customs and Global Trade, Excise Tax and Tax Technology.

The “GCC Indirect Tax" mobile app is easily accessible anywhere using a mobile device where the user will receive instant and live push notifications of any Indirect Tax developments happening throughout the region. The app is available for download in both English and Arabic and will enable users to get in touch with Deloitte’s Indirect Tax experts and gain access to alerts and authorities updates, thought leaderships, events and webinars.

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