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ZATCA announces the criteria for selecting second wave taxpayers and publishes detailed guidelines for e-invoicing

29 December: On 23 December 2022, the Zakat, Tax and Customs Authority (ZATCA) announced the criteria for selecting resident taxpayers for the second wave of the e-invoicing integration phase.

As per the announcement, resident taxpayers who reported taxable revenue of more than SAR 500 million in VAT returns filed for the calendar year 2021 will be required to integrate their IT systems with ZATCA for clearance or reporting. For the second wave of resident taxpayers, the integration go-live with the ZATCA Fatoora Portal will be on 1 July 2023. This will provide them with at least six months to comply with the integration phase requirements. We understand that ZATCA will officially notify the selected taxpayers in due course.

Further, ZATCA recently issued detailed guidelines for e-invoicing which can be accessed in the following link.

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