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The Ministry of Labour launches new e-services package

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6 April 2023 - As part of Qatar's digital transformation initiative, the Ministry of Labour (MoL) has launched a series of new e-services on their portal, allowing users to access various services electronically. These services include:

  • Requesting new work permits for individuals in different categories,
    such as those who are already residing in Qatar under the sponsorship of their families, citizens of Gulf Corporation Council (GCC) countries, permanent residence permit holders, and investors
  • Renewing work permits as long as the individual's Qatar residence permit is valid for at least three months and all supporting documents are provided
  • Cancelling work permits
  • Applying for new labour recruitment approvals, allowing entities to hire foreign nationals
  • Renewing the validity of unused labour recruitment approvals
  • Amending labour recruitment approvals to modify the approved quota's job title and/or nationality.

For further information, please visit the Media Center News Details page on the MoL website.

Deloitte’s view

The new e-services package is a great initiative from the Qatar MoL, as it will help them achieve their digital strategy to transform the services offered to the public. By providing streamlined and efficient processes, it eliminates the need for physical visits to various Qatari authorities.

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