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Kuwait Immigration news - Expatriates must now settle all government debts before they can renew their residence permit

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Kuwait's Ministry of Interior (MOI) introduced a new requirement that will restrict expatriates from renewing their residence permits until they settle all outstanding government debts.

Expatriates in Kuwait who want to renew their residence permit can pay their outstanding debts through the relevant government agency websites or through the Sahl application. 

This initiative aligns with an ongoing policy aimed at government debt collection. The decision also aligns with Kuwait’s announcement earlier last month that requires expatriates to settle traffic fines, telecom, electricity, and water bills before being allowed to exit the country.

Deloitte’s view

The decision taken by the MOI reaffirms the authorities' stance on expatriates abiding by the laws and regulations of the country and implemented these requirements with the aim of collecting all outstanding debts owed to the government.

Expatriates should ensure all outstanding debts are settled at the earliest to avoid their residency permit renewal applications from being rejected.

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