In a concerted effort to bolster trust and foster cooperation between the Egyptian Tax Authority (ETA) and taxpayers, and in alignment with the Ministry of Finance's steadfast dedication to streamlining processes, bolstering investment, and ensuring the effective enforcement of tax legislation, the ETA released Explanatory Instructions No. (78) in September 2023. These elucidatory instructions serve to provide comprehensive clarification on the stipulations concerning the pricing of transactions involving related parties, as outlined in Articles (12) and (13) of the Unified Tax Procedures Law No. 206 of 2020.
To ensure clarity and seamless implementation of the rules, ETA is taking proactive steps by addressing frequently asked questions with enhanced explanations supported by examples.
1. Local File Submission Deadline
It is vital for taxpayers to understand the specifics, particularly when it comes to the submission of the Local File in relation to the Corporate Income Tax (CIT)
return as explained below:
CIT Return Deadline |
TP Documentation Deadline |
30th April |
30th June |
30th June |
30th August |
31st July |
30st Sep |
To provide a concrete example, if a taxpayer initially files its original tax return on 30 April and subsequently makes amendments to the CIT Return, re-submitting the amended CIT Return by 30 May, the Transfer Pricing (TP) documentation submission deadline will be recalculated starting from 30 May. Consequently, the revised TP documentation submission deadline in this scenario will fall on 30 July.
2. Late Payment Penalties
The latest instructions from ETA offer a critical clarification regarding late payment penalties in relation to TP none compliance penalties, significantly simplifying the compliance process for taxpayers.
3. Dividends
To clarify matters further, the ETA has reemphasized the treatment of dividends in relation to related party transactions as highlighted below.
This distinction clarifies the dividends treatment and ensures that they are not subject to the TP regulatory framework as other related party transactions. This will also ease the compliance burden on holding companies with dividends transactions only.
4. Transactions Impacting the Balance Sheet
Comprehensive and accurate reporting is key in navigating tax compliance. Considering the provided explanatory guidelines, this section examines a critical aspect which is the reporting of related party transactions that impact balance sheet accounts.
The above clarification will require Egyptian taxpayers to carefully identify their related party transactions that have an impact on the balance sheet.
5. Payments on Behalf
Transparency and accuracy in financial reporting are crucial elements in maintaining tax compliance. Within the context of the explanatory instructions, under this section ETA clarified the requirement of disclosing payments made on behalf of another related party.
This dual reporting mechanism serves as a testament to the commitment to adhering to TP regulations and ensuring a high degree of transparency.
6. Joint Ventures involving Related Parties
Joint ventures are a common form of collaboration in business, especially when it comes to executing specific projects. In this section, the essential aspects of joint ventures, including their structure, composition, and responsibilities is illustrated by the ETA. Additionally, it delve into the vital consideration of related party transactions within joint ventures, which involves specific reporting requirements to ensure transparency and compliance with tax regulations.
The joint venture can include the following:
* Resident persons;Branches of non-resident companies; and
* Resident person and branch of a foreign company.
In Egypt, two resident construction companies, (A) and (B), have joined forces to undertake a collaborative construction project via a joint venture. The distribution of ownership shares within this joint venture stands as follows:
* Company (A): 40% ownership
* Company (B): 60% ownership
7. Subsidiaries of Free Zones Companies
In situations where a parent or holding company operates within the Free Zones system, mainland subsidiaries that fall under the umbrella of such parent or holding company are mandated to prepare and submit the Master File concurrently with the submission of the Local File. This regulatory requirement ensures comprehensive documentation and compliance with transfer pricing regulations for entities associated with the parent or holding company benefiting from Free Zones status.
These recent regulatory updates have been implemented with the primary objective of enhancing clarity and simplifying compliance for taxpayers involved in related party transactions while reemphasizing the importance of following TP regulations. By clarifying submission deadlines, assuring the position of late payment penalties with regards to TP compliance penalties and deadlines, and outlining specific reporting obligations for different types of transactions. Obviously, the ETA aims to streamline the overall process and foster transparency in TP reporting.