In the backdrop of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia's (KSA) exceptional growth driven by Vision 2030, the Regional Headquarters (RHQ) Program has emerged as a significant avenue for multinational companies seeking entry into this globally influential market. KSA's role as a driver for economic diversity and sustainability, along with its strategic positioning connecting continents, underscores the importance of the RHQ Program in supporting ongoing transformation initiatives.
In response to this pivotal development, we have developed a comprehensive brochure tailored to guide businesses through the nuanced process of establishing an RHQ in KSA. The brochure details how Deloitte, leveraging its extensive experience and global reach, can empower businesses at different stages of their investment journey into the Kingdom, from the initial architectural considerations to post set-up and ongoing compliance support.
Key aspects highlighted in the brochure include:
With a presence in Saudi Arabia dating back to 1950, Deloitte's local experts, backed by a global network, are well-prepared to navigate businesses through the complexities of the RHQ initiative, facilitating their successful establishment in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.