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Egypt - New Residency Permits Decree

On 29 August 2023, Egypt's Prime Minister issued Decree No. 3326/2023, which affects the conditions for foreigners who want to obtain residence permits in Egypt. Additionally, this decree grants a grace period to foreigners who are currently residing illegally in Egypt to legitimize their stay. 

The decree is effective as of 13 September 2023 and it declares the following:
  • Obligating foreigners who are applying for residency in Egypt, whether for tourist or non-tourist visas, to submit alongside their application a payment receipt issued from an authorized bank or an authorized currency exchange agency. This is to confirm the transfer of an amount equivalent to the required governmental dues related to the residency fees, any applied delay fines, and the cost of issuing a residency card, in US dollar or any other foreign currencies.
  • Granting foreigners residing illegally in Egypt, a grace period of 3 months starting from 13 September 2023 to legalize their status in Egypt, provided that:
    • An Egyptian nationality host exists. 
    • Foreigners residing illegally in Egypt must deposit a payment of USD 1,000 in the respective bank account to legalize their status. This payment is against the related administrative fees.

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