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Re-domiciliation into the United Arab Emirates

Key tax and legal considerations

While the concept of Re-domiciliation is not new in general and there has always been a certain level of demand for it, we are now seeing a spike in popularity in its application, mainly driven by regulatory changes. Deloitte and Clyde & Co have therefore collaborated on this article to further explain the concept of Re domiciliation and the related benefits. In addition, they will comment on the general tax and legal implications and set out best practices in terms of due diligence to mitigate some of the complexities. The process of Re-domiciliation is sometimes portrayed in the public domain as quite straightforward. While the level of complexity depends on the specific facts, the process of Re-domiciliation can be challenging and may cause business interruption as it has anumber of legal, operational and tax implications.

Due to practical relevance, the authors of this article will mainly focus on the Re-domiciliation of a non-United Arab Emirates (UAE) incorporated entity into the UAE.

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