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Gaining ground:

A digital path to third-party oversight

Our latest research shows that the pandemic has led many organizations to make digital advancements in their approach to third-party risk management (TPRM).

The pandemic highlighted the need for real-time intelligence on third parties. Our survey showed that more than half of organizations want to improve real-time information, risk metrics and reporting in the year ahead so they have a single, up-to-date picture of their third parties and the risk they may pose.

Digital risks arising from increasingly digitized ways of working are a top emerging concern in third-party risk management. This is followed by financial resilience of third parties, and the ability to manage diversity and inclusion, health and safety, the environment, and climate change.

Many organizations were unprepared when COVID-19 became a global pandemic. Ten months on, almost half of our survey respondents still felt they were in ‘respond’ mode – they were still reacting to the need for business continuity and resilience throughout their supply chain, customer relationships and digital capabilities. We expected more organizations to have learnt from their experiences and used them to start to inform their TPRM capability by then. The pandemic has disrupted the TPRM maturity journey for many but it has been a wake-up call for organizations to invest in the year ahead.

COVID-19 led many organizations to consider taking outsourced business activities back in-house because they had concerns about third-party failure or losing control of outsourced activity. This idea largely didn’t progress as organizations feel too much pressure to save costs or lack internal capability to deliver the activities.

Find out how we help organizations with their approach to third-party risk management.

Previous third-party risk management survey reports

Deloitte’s fifth annual third-party risk management (TPRM) survey showed that for the first time in five years, a desire to be a responsible business that effectively manages environmental and social issues throughout its supply chain is a key reason companies invest in TPRM.

Deloitte’s fourth annual third-party risk management (TPRM) survey shows there is renewed focus on maturing TPRM practices within most organisations. This appears to be driven by a recognition of underinvestment in TPRM coupled with mistrust of the wider uncertain economic environment.

Deloitte’s third annual third-party risk management (TPRM) survey aims to capture improvements in maturity of TPRM frameworks with a specific focus on the business case and investments in TPRM.

Deloitte’s second annual third-party risk management (TPRM) survey covers a number of issues that span the management of the extended enterprise and related risks in a rapidly changing environment.

The survey results show that investment by organisations in third-party risk management (TPRM) has increased year on year and that organisations are implementing or refining their TPRM processes and frameworks.

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