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Deloitte Middle East Family Enterprise Sentiment Pulse Check 2022

The Middle East Moment

With the economic and geo-political landscape reflecting so much uncertainty, we wanted to test the sentiment of the region’s Family Enterprises across a range of market dynamics. The results are striking. Family Enterprises expect the thriving conditions currently seen in the Gulf economies to sustain, underpinned by a high oil price, and in tandem with this a general transfer of global influence from the West to the East.

In contrast, markets such as the US present more diverse opinions, where a change in political office is felt likely in 2024, but nearer term fears of market corrections and recession are clearly evident.  Less surprising was the embrace of digital where areas such as the metaverse and digital assets are becoming increasingly familiar. The eyes of the world were firmly on the region throughout November and December with Qatar hosting the FIFA World Cup. Whilst the responses were collected prior to the tournament starting, the expected economic impact was evident, and our view is the performance of the Middle East & African National teams may have further buoyed this optimism.

We can conclude that these results reflect highly positive sentiment towards the landscape at home, paired with appropriate caution and perhaps inevitable opportunity seizing likely  to be exercised in the developed markets. The Middle East stands out as perhaps the most exciting and thriving market of the moment.

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