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How can the GCC region position itself as an AI leader?

The key recommendations for adopting AI the GCC region

The initial step in embracing AI effectively is to comprehend the true nature of AI, the various approaches to AI in different nations, and the primary objectives for the GCC region. This article offers essential insights on how to adapt to the era of AI, exploring relevant areas to provide understanding and valuable perspectives for stakeholders involved in or navigating the AI sector. 

GCC countries have set ambitious targets to reshape and diversify their economies, moving beyond reliance on fossil fuels. To achieve these ambitious goals with the aid of AI, GCC countries may find value in adopting best practices and innovative strategies from nations that have already made significant progress in the field of AI. 

By examining AI efforts across the region and the world, we can pinpoint key objectives for GCC countries to firmly establish themselves as leaders in the AI domain:

  1. Aligning AI initiatives with national aspirations and strengths
  2. Training, attracting, and retaining talent
  3. Cultivating an innovative ecosystem

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