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Social Care for the Elderly in the Middle East

In the wake of changing family dynamics and a rise in the aging population, Deloitte aims to study the current state of social care provided for elderly in the Middle East, identify challenges and provide an action plan for governments to future-proof their social care services

The elderly population in the Middle East is seen in high regard in any household, with great care and respect being paid to them by their families and communities. However, as they age, they often require assistance through formal and informal care to enable them to live a dignified life. 

As the population continues to grow, more support is required to cater for their growing needs. However, the framework of elderly care in the Middle East has not kept pace with growing demands and is in need of review to better address the challenges impacting elderly care. 

The provision of social care varies in the region depending on specific cultural, social, and economic norms in every country. Yet one point is quite common in the Middle East: Ensuring that care provided to the elderly is seen as a way to fulfill one's obligation towards their family and community. This care encompasses day-to-day support, healthcare as well as financial assistance to empower them to live productive lives.

While still limited, we are seeing an increase in the availability of services to the elderly from governments in the Middle East. These services include financial assistance or subsidies to help families care for their elderly relatives, social insurance and protection schemes, as well as various forms of institutional care including nursing homes, assisted living facilities, and home care services. The availability and quality of these services still varies widely with often times significant disparities in access to care between different socio-economic groups and countries.

As the population of the Middle East continues to age, the issue of social care for the elderly is becoming increasingly urgent. It is critical for governments in the region to address this issue and provide adequate social care to support their elderly citizens and residents. Governments need to act now to mitigate significant future burden on families, communities, and the economy. 

This article aims to provide guidance to governments in the Middle East on how to address this issue and will cover key challenges and opportunities in social care for the elderly. Through this, we hope to inspire governments to take action and begin implementing policies and programs that will support their elderly population and ensure a brighter future for all.

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