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What does climate leadership mean in the age of net zero commitments?

Eight-point Action Plan for Climate Leadership in 2022

How we can move beyond the net zero narrative and take real action on climate commitments


Our paper was recently published as part of the UAE’s Investopia Summit 2022 and explores how we can move beyond the net zero narrative and take real action on climate commitments and promises.

To get there, climate leadership is vital. It represents a combination of ambition and commitment to not only find a way through the climate crisis, but also to inspire others to seek the same. With the world awash with net zero commitments, in our paper we ask: what does this mean in the context of climate leadership? While the commitments may signal a long-term vision, what are the leadership actions that will get us there?

We explore broad themes; from the role of companies in providing the ‘full picture’ on net zero achievements, to how capital markets can drive our ambitions through capital reallocation and financing structures. We also explore how the tech industry must speed up technological solutions to support the transition, and how institutional investors should look to decarbonizing their portfolios.

Net zero commitments reduce emissions and control climate change represent a global aspiration that we all can play a role in realizing. Undoubtedly, the climate transition presents companies with both risks but also significant opportunities. 

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