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The opportunity to make an impact

Deloitte Tax Analytics

Opportunity means many things at Deloitte. “Tax Analytics is an opportunity to shape the future,” says Jan Van Trigt, Deloitte Global Leader—Tax Data Analytics and a senior partner in the Deloitte Netherlands Tax practice. “Disruptive technologies—Artificial Intelligence, Cognitive Computing, and others —are changing tax, and clients are ready for new ideas. For problem-solvers, storytellers, and people who have strong visualization skills and know their way around technology, and decision-making processes, Tax Analytics is an opportunity to transform tax and positively impact the clients we serve.”


Deloitte has a strong analytics capability and a reputation for innovation in the tax analytics space. In fact, it is the only professional services organization selected for the inaugural IBM Watson Ecosystem Board of Advisors that shapes direction and strategy by offering external views on the marketplace and potential opportunities for Ecosystem partners.


Innovation was what drew Peter Xing, a Tax Manager in Deloitte Australia with a passion for cutting-edge technologies, to join Deloitte. “With business models moving from knowledge skills to knowledge flows and technology being applied to pioneer new ways to automate not just physical work, but also knowledge work, tax analytics is a smart career choice. I apply the tools of today to build the tools of tomorrow, and that makes it an exciting time to be working in this profession.”


Tax Analytics careers can take many paths at Deloitte. Petras Vainius started his career in Deloitte Consulting, left to go to graduate school, and rejoined Deloitte US as a Tax Manager working in analytics. “I get to use skills I’ve developed over my career. I’ve lived abroad and travel extensively with Deloitte, and meet people passionate about using data to create opportunities that span industries and disciplines. For example, at a presentation on geospatial analytics, which uses maps and overlays data from geographic locations to develop insights, one professional worked with data generated by consumers along with government data to assess risks.”


Over the past 20 years, Jaskiran Bhatia has worked in technology, and analytics. Now she leads Tax Analytics for Deloitte India. “I am an engineering graduate who loves to leverage technology to design and architect solutions that can solve complex business problems, and creating new business opportunities is what drives me. In today’s world, data has become the new hot commodity and analytics can provide answers in a volatile business environment. Deploying technology to navigate deeper into tax is a new area, and it is my zeal for continuous learning that attracted me to Deloitte for this role.”


Deloitte is led by a purpose: to make an impact that matters for its clients, its people, and society. “Deloitte is one of the most challenging and inspiring work environments,” says Mathieu Janssen, a Tax Manager who joined Tax Analytics in Deloitte Netherlands. “It’s a high-performance organization committed to developing people. You are encouraged to build and own your business—and it’s a global network. My team and I work with other teams from around the world and travel across Europe.”


Justina Lee, Senior Business Analyst, Deloitte Australia, values the collaborative culture. “People are passionate about what they do and excited by innovation. They respect and are interested in the opinions of others and care about the outcome of a project.” And for Jordan Blue, Tax Manager, Deloitte US, it all comes back to the opportunities. “I don’t know of another organization where I would work with clients in an entrepreneurial culture and be exposed to the kinds of analytics projects available here.”


The future of tax is here at Deloitte Tax Data Analytics. For information about careers in Tax Data Analytics at Deloitte, visit our student and experienced hires Careers site and Deloitte Analytics: Opportunities abound.  To learn more about making an impact that matters, visit the 2015 Global Report.


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