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New Deloitte “GCC Indirect Tax” bilingual mobile app provides specialized guidance to professionals

August 16, 2021 – The Value Added Tax (VAT) landscape continues to evolve across the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC). The Sultanate of Oman has recently introduced VAT which came into effect on 16 April 2021. Four out of the six GCC countries have implemented VAT within the first four years since the initial commitment was made between the Gulf Member States signing the GCC VAT Framework Agreement. 

To address the growing GCC market need for guidance on Indirect Tax, Deloitte has launched an app entitled “GCC Indirect Tax”, a next generation version of the “VAT in the GCC guide” mobile app. In addition to the wealth of material in the current app, the new version provides the app user with a knowledge base of material, and constant updates of essential Indirect Tax information. It presents a wide range of topics including VAT, Customs and Global Trade, Excise Tax and Tax Technology. 

“VAT implementation is only one aspect of the wider Indirect Tax environment in the GCC. Over the past 12 months we have seen the expansion of Excise Tax in the UAE and KSA on additional products, the introduction of a new Real Estate Transaction Tax (RETT) in KSA, the publication of the Excise Tax Executive Regulations in Oman, which was the forerunner to the current VAT implementation, as well as a significant increase in tax authority audit activity and publication of additional guidelines and other pieces of industry and issue-specific guidance” said Mark Junkin, Deloitte Middle East Indirect Tax Leader.

“These trends tell us that effective Indirect Tax management requires businesses to be proactive, rather than reactive to tax changes. There are several things that can be done to ensure that your organization is ready to adapt nimbly to a region where the broad framework of taxation is evolving at a rapid pace. One way to support you in that journey is to ensure you are armed with the latest updates from tax authorities across the region, and that you know who the experts are that can guide you in the next phase of your tax journey in the GCC region,” concluded Junkin. 

The “GCC Indirect Tax" mobile app is easily accessible anywhere using a mobile device where the user will receive instant and live push notifications of any Indirect Tax developments happening throughout the region. The app is available for download in both English and Arabic and will enable users to get in touch with Deloitte’s Indirect Tax experts and gain access to alerts and authorities updates, thought leaderships, events, and webinars.

The app is available for download free of charge on the following links: