5 July, 2017 – Deloitte has launched itslatest report “Doing business guide – understanding Iraq’s tax position" to guide businesses through the complex and constantly evolving Iraqi landscape. The report looks to highlight key areas of consideration both for those businesses who are looking to invest in Iraq for the first time, as well as those who are more experienced in operating in Iraq.
Following the appointment of a new Director General of the General Commission for Taxes (GCT), the GCT has affirmed that one of their key objectives is to close out tax assessmentsand to maximize collection of tax revenues.
“Iraq has not fully implemented a self-assessment system of taxation and the assessment process is still very much driven by the tax authority’s review of the submitted tax filings,” explains Jayne Stokes, Director, Iraq Tax, Deloitte Middle East. “However, there is a perception within the GCT that taxpayers are not making sufficient effort to actively engage in discussion with the tax authority.”
The Deloitte report provides businesses with key tax considerations for doing business in Iraq, and highlights significant government, economic, market and legal drivers which can impact their operations. The guide also covers the industries of opportunity and key considerations for entering the market and the indicators and procedures for starting a business in Iraq.
“Despite the complexity of this jurisdiction, Iraq still offers investment opportunities for foreign businesses,” says Alex Law, Partner in charge of International Tax Services at Deloitte in the Middle East. “However, in light of the approach we are seeing taken by the GCT, it is important for taxpayers – both those new to Iraq and those with more developed operations in Iraq – to take proactive steps from the outset to ensure that they remain compliant with respect to their tax filing obligations in Iraq.”
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Press contact(s):
Bassel Barakat
External Communications | PR and Media