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Saleem Goolam Mamode

Partner | Audit & Assurance

Saleem is a Partner at our Doha office, with over twenty years experience in providing professional services.

Saleem’s experience includes audit and other attest engagements in various industries, including but not limited to retail, consumer products, heavy industries, petrochemicals, oil and gas, telecommunication, technology, construction, utilities, energy and related services.

Saleem has been involved in various consulting assignments including the transaction services, financial due diligences, cost allocation mapping, developing industry specific accounting policy manuals and other advisory engagements. He has also been involved in internal audit assignments for clients in various industries. Saleem has been involved in various receivable valuation exercise and other agreed upon procedures with various clients.

Saleem is the lead of Deloitte’s Middle East IFRS Committee and was previously served as the chairman of the ACCA Doha chapter.

Some of the key clients Saleem has served include Ooredoo, Qatar Petroleum, Industries Qatar, Qatargas, Tasweeq, NBK Group, Milaha, Mushreib properties, Vodafone, etc.

Clients served by Saleem on Accounting advisory assignments include Al Meera, Ooredoo, QP, QDVC, Meeza, Gulf Drilling Inc., Midmac, Tasweeq and Gulf Bridge International.