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Etisalat’s playbook

From pipelines to clouds

Etisalat International Group, Deloitte Middle East and Huawei announced the launch of a joint White Paper entitled “From pipelines to clouds - Etisalat`s playbook” that intends to share lessons learned and our point of view on the road towards a cloud-native Telco.

The launch of the White Paper “From pipelines to clouds - Etisalat`s playbook” is part of a collaboration made amongst the three companies for a joint innovation program focused around multiple exponential technologies (SDN/NFV/5G/Cloud/AI) that constitute a Digital Transformation journey through a technology perspective.

The companies believe that a future Telco Cloud will require different telecom infrastructure for networks and system architecture to address customers’ digital needs, aiming to deliver intelligent, quicker and more reliable value added services.

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