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TMT Middle East | COVID-19 Response

Tools and publications

The strong impact of the COVID-19 outbreak on the human way of life has pushed people across the globe to think differently, work differently and innovate to help “flatten the curve”. Organizations are left with uncertainty and no clear path on which direction is the right one to follow. Truth is, each path is different as it depends on the nature of the organization, their current situation, their goals, and the community in which they reside in.

The below tools and publications act as guidance on the latest technologies, strategies, and response measures to several different situations. Scroll through the below and identify the tools and approaches in planning, implementing, and acting in the right direction for business continuity and a smooth transition into the new way of life.

The future of networks will be resilient


The impact of COVID-19 on the telecommunications (telco) industry both in the Middle East and globally has resulted in a surge in data volumes. Here we assess how different telco companies are managing the increased appetite for data consumption as social distancing and life at home continues. 

Download the report

Unlocking the lockdowns | A data driven approach


A look into the impact of COVID-19 on the Information and Communication Technology sector in the Middle East and globally. This publication outlines three types of players for short and long-term scenarios on dealing with the challenges and changes that arise from the pandemic. 

Download the report


TMT Middle East | COVID-19 Response

COVID-19 | Unlocking the lockdowns

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