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Digital Policing - Disruptive technologies enhancing the policing experience

Policing globally is transforming. This is influenced by a number of factors to include the changing patterns of crime, the ever increasing expectations of the public and the need to be more efficient. Technology facilitates many of these factors, but can also be an essential part of the solution.

Maximizing the opportunity to enhance frontline policing enabled by digital

The core benefits of a digitized police service are the increased efficiencies of being able to complete tasks out in the field, maximize visibility on the front line by reducing the necessity of returning to stations and achieving secure remote access to real-time intelligence necessary to inform decisions.

Historically, policing has benefitted from earlier technologies that required officers to be physically in a police station sat in front of a desktop computer. This not only took officers away from operational duties and being present in communities, but it also increased the risk of noncompliance, or data being lost in the transfer from notebook to data entry. Furthermore, officers risked making critical operational decisions at the point of need without always having access to all the most current intelligence.

The role of the police and its need to partner with other agencies to keep us safe presents a particular challenge. Police agencies must meet security standards to enable interoperability with partners and the security of their data. Beyond this, however, it is vital that a Force’s digital transformation is approached holistically to ensure the right technology is properly procured and fully integrated into their wider IT ecosystem in a way that improves ways of working and leads to all envisaged benefits being realised.

We explore the benefits of end to end to digitalization for policing in this paper, and provide a perspective on how this might be best delivered.

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