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Certificate in International Public Sector Accounting Standards in Arabic (IPSAS)

Your language, your skills, your future

Issued by the International Public Sector Accounting Standards Board, IPSAS are accruals-based standards used for the preparation of general purpose financial statements by governments and other public sector entities around the world. They are increasingly being adopted across the Middle East with many ministries transitioning to IPSAS.

We are pleased to announce the launch of the first certificate in IPSAS in Arabic (Cert IPSAS in Arabic) which has been specifically developed as a collaboration between Deloitte and ACCA for Arabic speaking finance professionals to help you meet the challenges of implementing IPSAS.

Who is it for?


All finance professionals working with IPSAS across the Middle East and Arabic speaking countries can benefit from Cert IPSAS in Arabic. 

  1. If you already have a professional accountancy qualification, it can be a valuable source of continuing professional development (CPD) – offering an opportunity to top up existing competencies with specific technical knowledge and skills around IPSAS. 
  2. And, if you do not hold a professional accountancy qualification, it offers the opportunity to gain formal recognition of your IPSAS knowledge and skills. It is recommended that an educational or vocational background in financial reporting is gained before starting on Cert IPSAS in Arabic.


To learn more about the certificate and register


You can read and learn more about the certificate in Arabic.

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