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The future of financial services

How disruptive forces are transforming the financial services landscape

Rapidly advancing technologies, evolving customer expectations, and a changing regulatory landscape are opening doors to disruptive innovation in financial services. Are financial institutions prepared for this disruption?

For the past five years, Deloitte, in close collaboration with the World Economic Forum (Forum) has conducted extensive research on how innovation and new technologies like fintech, insurtech, blockchain, and artificial intelligence are impacting the financial services landscape.

As part of this research, we published a series of reports that study the impact of each of these forces, and how they are changing the way in which financial institutions operate and engage with their customers. The reports substantiate all findings with real world examples and identify challenges and uncertainties that firms need to address to remain competitive.

Read these reports to find out what opportunities lie ahead for financial institutions, and how they can thrive in the future of financial services.

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