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Using ecosystems to accelerate smart manufacturing

A regional analysis

Rapid technological advancement warranted the need to invest in digital technologies in manufacturing even before the arrival of COVID-19, as companies struggled to improve production and replace legacy systems. As the pandemic began its global spread, the need to transform only became more pressing. However, this change cannot happen in isolation − ecosystem players need to work together and manage the industry-wide disruption. 

To delve deeper into this, Deloitte together with the Manufacturers Alliance for Productivity and Innovation (MAPI) ran a survey to examine whether smart manufacturing ecosystems could help accelerate overall production. The study included an online survey of more than 850 executives at manufacturing companies across three regions: North America, Europe, and Asia. It also included executive interviews with more than 30 leaders from manufacturing companies and ecosystem participants.

This report compares the responses to see where manufacturers across geographies stand today in their journey of transition towards an ecosystem approach.

View the playbooks for creating the winning ecosystems for Manufacturing, Engineering & Construction, and Aerospace & Defense.

By Vincent Rutgers, Global Leader—Industrial Products & Construction

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By Vincent Rutgers, Global Leader—Industrial Products & Construction

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In 2020 Deloitte and MAPI once again teamed up to produce Accelerating smart manufacturing: The value of an ecosystem approach, which is based on a survey of more than 850 manufacturing executives. The study explores how players in an ecosystem are a force multiplier for each other and more than twice as likely to find value through others’ capabilities.

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