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Infrastructure Advisory

Capital infrastructure advisory services

From determining the feasibility and delivery strategy for a new assets to managing stakeholders and regulatory requirements, Deloitte’s global Infrastructure Advisory teams advise clients on the commercial and financial structuring of major government and private capital projects.

Taking the long view of infrastructure

Deloitte’s global Infrastructure Advisory teams serve as financial advisors to public and private sector clients on infrastructure projects, including those that have private sector participation such as Public-Private Partnerships. Our projects range across a variety of industries, such as social infrastructure, transport, waste, energy and renewables, digital infrastructure and utilities.

We provide a comprehensive range of business case development services, including potential value capture, financial modelling, transaction structuring; debt & capital advisory, infrastructure financing, procurement advisory for both public and private/bid side; and refinancing/asset recycling. Service lines like Consulting, Audit, and others collaborate to deliver within the Infrastructure Advisory segment, providing services throughout the lifecycle of infrastructure assets, from planning to operations, and everything in between.


Strategy and planning

There’s a lot to consider before embarking upon a large-scale infrastructure project. The following questions can get you thinking about the necessary steps to prepare for it:

  • How can leaders effectively structure, prioritise and pace investment across their portfolios?
  • Are the plans based on robust analysis of the ‘right’ information and is this data reliable?
  • How does a proposed project align with our organisation’s objectives?
  • How do we construct a business case that works and develop a strategy to make it a reality including impact assesments?
  • What capabilities and partners do we need to deliver?
  • Is the project feasible?

Explore our Infrastructure & Capital Projects services

Deloitte's global infrastructure M&A teams advise clients across the M&A and fund life cycle, providing end-to-end support from the moment the funds are raised and opportunities are identified, to the conclusion of the transaction and onwards through the life of the asset.

Funding and finance

Now that you’ve thought through the above, it’s time to talk funding. How can sponsors shape a project, its supply chain, and its contractual structure so that equity and debt markets will make financing available? Consider the following:

  • How efficient is your project’s procurement process? Is it maximising value for money?
  • Are you accessing all potential sources of finananks, pensioncing, such as b funds, and others entering the project financing markets?

Capital projects represent a major investment for any organisation, and these are valuable questions to consider before diving in. Delivering the targeted value from these investments can be a challenging task, which often become more and more difficult as projects increase in scale and complexity. Common challenges include:

  • Establishing the optimum delivery strategy and governance structures
  • Accessing the appropriate finance to maintain competitive advantage
  • Allocating investment efficiently to maximise benefits, mitigate risks and remove waste
  • Managing increasingly diverse stakeholder relationships and greater public scrutiny
  • Creating and maintaining oversight and foresight through information management
  • Controlling cost and improving value for money
  • Managing projects with unique cultural, regulatory and contractual risks

How we can help

To help you successfully navigate these challenges, Deloitte engagement teams provide advice, tools, experience and analytical skills to give clients greater confidence in developing their investment and delivery strategy, both at the early phases of an individual project or across a portfolio. Our team offers a unique blend of financial, operational and technical services across the entire project lifecycle.

We advise on national/regional infrastructure strategy and planning, as well as investment attractiveness policy—i.e., the design of market support mechanisms including tax incentives, regulation and deregulation, grants and subsidies, consumer-based and government financing mechanisms. Clients benefit from our ability to design and deliver a thorough readiness programme and provide support at the go-live stage and beyond. We also undertake independent project health-checks at key stages throughout the project lifecycle by designing quality assurance and performance management frameworks for P3 programmes using our unique risk-based tools.

Connect to infrastructure that builds better lives

It’s time to revitalise, rebuild and reimagine the future. Infrastructure plays a pivotal role in shaping tomorrow and strengthening our economy today, but not without challenges. Construction projects have grown larger, riskier and more complex.

Our Thinking