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Economic outlook & predictions for 2023 from Central Europe’s CFOs

Central Europe CFO Survey 2023

Since 2010, Deloitte has conducted the Central European CFO survey, giving voice to senior financial executives from across the region. The report provides an overview of CFOs’ views on critical business matters, strategic priorities and the factors they currently consider vital.


Last year, the region’s CFOs were broadly more optimistic than they were in 2020, when economies were in the harshest grip of the COVID-19 pandemic. While they still saw uncertainty as the new normal, and did not regard this as the right time to take any unnecessary risks, they nonetheless remained positive about investment, expected unemployment to fall, and believed their financial outlook was brightening. In other words, the conditions for expansion were making a return. At the same time, CFOs anticipated further rises in CPI inflation that in turn would fuel increases in the costs of doing business.

This year, in addition to questions related to Economic, Business Environment and Company Growth Outlook, we have the pleasure to ask CFOs from across the CE region about their company’s approach to cloud computing and their plans to tackle Supply Chain Management disruptions.

Results of our survey will be presented in early 2023.

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