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Privacy Notice


Effective: June 8, 2021


I have read and understood the above Privacy Notice, which contains information about the processing of my personal data and is part of my consent given below:

My personal data, as provided in the course of registration and user profile creation (email address, first and last name, position, company, address, province, city, zip code and country) as well as personal data collected in connection with and for the purposes specified below (provided that I have given my consent to a specific data processing purpose) may be processed for the following purposes:


  • marketing purposes – including the analysis of my preferences, activity and interests so that content and offers that are potentially interesting to me may be identified and provided to me (profiling) and so that potential sales opportunities may be managed and the related internal procedures performed by Deloitte;
  • direct marketing purposes – including the provision of marketing content (such as newsletters and offers) which suits my preferences, in addition to its management in this regard;
  • organization of events/webinars (only if I have registered to take part in an event/webinar).


The controller of my data is a respective company of Deloitte group in Lithuania (the one organizing/co-organizing the event I am registering for and/or the one preparing marketing content I am subscribing to) – the full list containing details of each company is available at:

Data processors:


  • Onyx Knox Sp. z o.o., ul. Kurhan 12, 02-203 Warszawa, Poland;
  • Deloitte Advisory & Management Consulting Private Limited Company, Dózsa Gy út 84.C., 1068 Budapest, Hungary;
  • Deloitte CE Business Service Sp. z o.o., al. Jana Pawła II 22, 00-133 Warsaw, Poland;
  • Deloitte Central Europe Service Centre s.r.o., Karolinská 654/2, 186 00, Prague 8, Czech Republic;
  • Deloitte CZ Services s.r.o., Churchill I, Italská 2581/67, 120 00 Praha 2 - Vinohrady, Czech Republic;
  • con4PAS, s.r.o., Novodvorská 1010/14, 142 01 Prague 4 – Lhotka, Czech Republic;
  • SI-Consulting Sp. z o.o., Slezna Str. 118, 53-111 Wrocław, Poland;
  • Microsoft Corporation, One Microsoft Way, Redmond, WA 98052, USA;
  • LogMeIn, Inc. 333 Summer Street Boston, MA 02210, USA (event registration).


My personal data may be made accessible to the following categories of recipients: authorized employees and agents of data controllers and data processors, as well as and Deloitte CE companies of Deloitte group in Lithuania and of Deloitte CE group (further information about Deloitte CE is available on the page My personal data may also be disclosed to the competent authorities, as authorized by the applicable laws.


Data protection: I understand that the data controllers and data processors shall employ appropriate data protection measures that are in line with accepted industry standards, so as to ensure data protection and confidentiality, integrity and accessibility, and to prevent the unauthorized use of or unauthorized access to the personal data in accordance with Deloitte CE instructions, policies and applicable laws. Where the processing of personal data includes their transfer outside of the European Economic Area, the Standard Contractual Clauses approved by the European Commission shall be used, thus ensuring an adequate level of personal data protection as required by the data protection legislation.


Personal data processing period: Personal data shall be processed over a period that is necessary for the performance of marketing activities. Personal data shall be erased in the following situations:


  • when the data subject requests that the personal data be erased or withdraws consent that has been given before;
  • when the data subject fails to take any action for more than ten (10) years (inactive contact);
  • once information has been obtained that the data stored are out-of-date or inaccurate.
  • Some data, including email address as well as first and last name, may be stored for a period of a further three (3) years as evidence – such data shall not be used for marketing purposes.


I am aware that my personal data about my preferences, behaviours and marketing content selection may be used as the basis for automated decision taking so as to identify sales opportunities for Deloitte companies.

My rights: I understand that I am under no obligation to provide my personal data. I am aware that, as the data subject (the person to whom personal data relates) I have the right to request access to my personal data, their modification or erasure, limitation of their processing as well as the right to refuse consent to their processing, the right to transfer data, the right to withdraw, at any time, consent that has already been given and the right to receive a copy of my data. All the aforesaid rights may be executed via the page: or by contacting data administrator via page.

Furthermore, if I assume that my personal data are not processed in compliance with the law, I have the right to file a complaint with Lithuanian State Personal Data Protection Inspectorate.