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Manage rapid employee return and ramp-up (future state)

Workforce: A priority for CEOs as they work with CHROs and CSOs to prepare and manage business continuity during crisis

Considerations for getting back to work, efficiently & effectively

Ramping back up

A significant focus for organisations right now is managing through the response to COVID-19. But in the days and weeks to come, as we learn more, turn corners and find the “next normal,” it will be critically important to shift focus to planning for how to most efficiently and effectively “ramp back up.” This article highlights key areas to consider as operations come back online and employees return to work.

Topics covered in this article:

  • Areas that need to be assessed in order to build future organisational agility, such as business models, the workforce mix, upskilling and digital work. 
  • Operational planning and tactics needed to bring large number of employees back to work 
  • Employee experience and well-being strategies that will need to be implemented as workers return

Addressing the impact of COVID-19:

Elevating the human experience during COVID-19

As the COVID-19 crisis has driven country-wide quarantines and social distancing requirements, organisations have had to rely heavily on technology to continue business operations. However, with that dependency comes a substantial risk to the human connections we all need in order to feel fulfilled, engaged and authentic at work. This presents opportunities for organisations to re-emphasise their commitments both to their people and their missions and foster an engaged workforce dedicated to moving the company through the uncertainty of today.

Topics covered in this article:

  • Why elevating the human experience is imperative at present
  • The definition and risks of “human experience debt”
  • Key areas for elevating the human experience in the workplace
  • Questions to consider for better connection, engagement and trust

Holistic well-being for a resilient workforce

Supporting workers as they return to work

Workforce well-being—a critical part of workforce experience—has never been more important. As places of work prepare for the recovery from COVID-19, companies need to establish or revisit, strategies to understand and meet holistic worker well-being needs and put those strategies into action. This article discusses the role workforce well-being plays in productivity, what comprises worker well-being and how companies can keep it top of mind as employees return to work.

Topics covered in this article include:

  • The four pillars of workforce well-being: physical, financial, mental/emotional and social.
  • Questions companies need to answer to evaluate their well-being preparedness
  • Steps companies can take to address workforce well-being
  • Holistic well-being for a resilient workforce Download now

Return-to-work readiness

How to prepare the workplace as well as the workforce

Over the past few months, companies have reacted swiftly to unprecedented workplace and workforce disruptions caused by the COVID-19 crisis. Now, as companies prepare to reopen their workplaces, they must consider several specific issues, including health measures, regulatory requirements and employee flexibility. This article discusses how companies must review existing policies, update language and draught new policies and procedures to address these issues.

Topics covered include:

  • Key questions that need to be asked as workers return to work and actions that can be taken to address them.
  • How to ready the workplace for a return to work, such as establishing guidelines on PPE and monitoring employee health.
  • How to manage workers once they return to work, including effective communications and flexible working arrangements.

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