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Budget 2024/25

Budget Commentary

Meet the Deloitte East Africa team of experts who will be providing a 360-degree view of their Budget expectations, insights, and analysis for Budget 2024/25 in their respective countries.

2024 Budget Commentary

Samwel Ndandala, Partner  - Deloitte Tanzania | Budgeting for a Strong Shilling

Fredrick Kimotho, Associate Director - Deloitte Kenya | Finance Bill 2024 enters the crucial stage following active public participation

Esther Muteti, Manager - Deloitte Kenya | Reconsider the proposal to remove relief of excise duty on raw materials

Netty Nyong’a, Associate - Deloitte Kenya | Finance Bill amendments: Concessions or diversions?

Waziri Jumanne, Senior Manager - Deloitte Tanzania | Revolutionizing Tax Disputes Resolution: A call for overhauling our framework

Alli Msangi, Associate - Deloitte Tanzania | Nurturing the seeds of prosperity of Tanzania Agriculture in the 2024/25 budget

Asmaa Gulam, Associate - Deloitte Tanzania | Health Budget 2024/25: Further closing the gap on maternal, newborn and child mortality SDGs

2023 Budget Commentary

Fred Omondi, Tax and Legal Leader - Deloitte Kenya | Reflections on the National Budget 

Michael Otieno, Consultant- Deloitte Kenya | Policy shift is imperative to net more taxpayers in informal sector 

Nicholas Gathecha, Associate; Charles Musyoka, Senior Manager - Deloitte Kenya | Pay-to-play proposal would deny taxpayers access to justice 

Kennedy Okoyo, Senior Manager - Deloitte Kenya | Hits and Misses of Finance Bill, 2023

Lina Omole, Senior Manager - Deloitte Kenya | Imagining a world without tax penalty waivers

Fredrick Kimotho, Associate Director - Deloitte Kenya | Key proposals that may need a rethink before passing the Finance Bill 2023 into law 

2022 Budget Commentary

Samwel Ndandala, Senior Manager  - Deloitte Tanzania | A budget thatrecognises currenteconomic realities

Edwin Wanjau, Consultant, Tax & Legal - Deloitte Kenya | Technology advancement likely to heavily impact how taxpayers interact with tax authorities in the future

Maureen Shaba, Manager, Tax & Legal; Nicholas Gathecha, Associate, Tax & Legal - Deloitte Kenya | New steps to increase tax transparency for multinationals in Kenya

Kennedy Okoyo, VAT Manager, Tax & Legal - Deloitte Kenya | Address costs of VAT compliance

2021 Budget commentary

Fred Kimotho - Deloitte Kenya | Lack of option to use overpaid tax will kill business

Andrew Wanjiru - Deloitte Kenya | Prudent adoption of international tax policies good for Kenya’s growth

Samwel Ndandala - Deloitte Tanzania | Time to Operationalise the Tax Ombudsman‘s Office

Peter Njenga - Deloitte Kenya | Plan to charge excise duty on loan processing fees should be reversed

Samwel Ndandala - Deloitte Tanzania | The world has gone digital, so should taxation

Fred Kimotho - Deloitte Kenya | Use annual Finance Bills to explain tax laws for compliance

Joseph Owande - Deloitte Kenya | Why Kenyans in the diaspora need to watch out on tax compliance

Samwel Ndandala - Deloitte Tanzania | The maze that is tax exemptions for international organisations and NGOs

Aneth Mushokolwa - Deloitte Tanzania | The East African Crude Oil Pipeline project

2020 Budget commentary

Joseph Oyongo and Maureen Shaba - Deloitte Kenya | What are the key lessons on taxation of the digital marketplace?

Fredrick Kimotho - Deloitte Kenya | A glance at some of the key tax measures to expect in Budget 2020/21

Fredrick Ogutu - Deloitte Kenya | Need to relook at the proposed minimum tax

Clifford Otieno - Deloitte Kenya | Proposed VAT amendment will make it impossible to claim input tax

Patrick Chege - Deloitte Kenya | Changes in PAYE, corporation tax rates set to increase refunds

Fredrick Kimotho - Deloitte Kenya | Rethink the nuts and bolts of tax changes

Bitania Ephrem - Deloitte Tanzania | Stimulating tourism during uncertain times

Alexander Mapuda - Deloitte Tanzania | Strengthening resilience to the pandemic through target-based tax measures

Sam Ndandala - Deloitte Tanzania | Tax resilience in the face of uncertainty

2019 Budget commentary

Sam Ndandala - Deloitte Tanzania | What this year's budget taught us

Dmitry Logunov - Deloitte Tanzania | Clarity – the overlooked characteristic of an effective taxation system

Alexander Mapunda - Deloitte Tanzania | What to watch out for about VAT refunds and your cash flow

Fredrick Kimotho - Deloitte Kenya | Promising future for manufacturing sector as the 2019/2020 budget is unveiled

Sam Ndandala - Deloitte Tanzania | Unravelling the national budget puzzle

Yonazi Mngumi - Deloitte Tanzania | Solutions for protracted tax disputes

Charles Musyoka - Deloitte Kenya | Government needs to legislate clear VAT guidelines on the taxation of services

Mumbi Wambugu - Deloitte Kenya | Tax Administration is Going Digital

Sam Ndandala - Deloitte Tanzania | To object or not, that is often the question

Festo Barthalome - Deloitte Tanzania | Minimising unintended tax non-compliance

Sam Ndandala - Deloitte Tanzania | Transfer pricing and the shifting burden of proof 

Aneth Mushokolwa - Deloitte Tanzania | Improving mining revenue collections in Tanzania 

Carlos Kirchheiner - Deloitte Tanzania | Alternative tax dispute resolutions can revolutionize the Tanzania tax regime

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