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Pursuing Risk Intelligence in a rapidly changing industry

Addressing operational risks faced by pharmaceutical companies

The pharmaceutical industry continues to evolve and change, particularly in light of a number of important industry trends that are reshaping its future. As management and boards of pharmaceutical companies grapple with this increased complexity and market turmoil, they search for ways to address both the threats and opportunities that may come with disruptive change.

While risk and opportunity reside in the key areas of enterprise risk — strategic, financial, compliance and operational — we believe that when the implications of these changes are synthesised, operations could be the area facing the greatest levels of risk.

This whitepaper delves into the risks that challenge effective operations planning and decision making and focusses on substantive consideration that might arise in light of current and transformative industry trends. It underscores the benefits of Risk Intelligence in providing an approach to planning and decision making that can enable an organisation to make Risk Intelligent choices that help mitigate downside risks and seize the upside opportunities that expose the enterprise to just the “right” amount of risk needed to pursue value creation.

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