Bridging the knowledge gap
Facilitators: David Mwiti, Andrew Wanjiru, Maureen Shaba, Clifford Otieno, Lawrence Kaingu
The recent tax disputes between the Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA) and International Schools points towards prevalence of different points of view of various tax quandaries between the KRA and International Schools. Our specialized and adept tax and immigration experts, having worked with International Schools and reviewed these case laws in details, would like to invite you to a session to discuss these areas of divergence and advise you on the most prudent steps you need to undertake to remain compliant.
- The tax (Corporate tax, Value Added Tax, Withholding taxes, employment taxes and Transfer Pricing) and immigration legislative framework relevant to International Schools, including tax efficiency opportunities that you benefit from
- Common tax and immigration issues that International Schools face
- Recent and relevant case laws that impact International Schools
- How you can benefit from the tax amnesty program currently ongoing
- Gain an understanding of the tax and Immigration legal and regulatory operating environment for International Schools
- Appreciate the delicate areas in tax that International Schools may be facing
- Understand the implications of the recent court rulings to International Schools
- Appreciate the tax efficiency opportunities that International Schools can take advantage of
Management, Finance, Accounting, Tax, Human Resource and operational staff in International Schools
Digital Financial Services is the sustainable provision of affordable, accessible and secure financial services. An inclusive system that provides opportunities for accessing and moving funds, growing capital and reducing risk for our clients.