What I like most about my role
Working closely with a wide range of clients to develop solutions to address their complex transactions and businesses.
What attracted me to Deloitte?
I wanted to get a broad tax experience across a wide range of industries, working with some of the biggest companies in Ireland and across the globe. I was also impressed by the great team that I would be working with.
My day-to-day role
I am an international tax partner so work with a lot of clients with overseas operations. I lead our M&A Tax practice so also work on many M&A Transactions. Every day is different but will generally involve advising a number of clients on various transactions, whether it is an M&A deal or them setting up Irish operations. I work closely with my team in Ireland and colleagues abroad in delivering great solutions and advice to our clients.
How I have been able to make an impact in my role?
I really enjoy helping companies set up operations in Ireland – it is great working with a number of other service providers and government agencies in promoting all that Ireland has to offer for foreign companies. I find it very rewarding when I see a large jobs announcement for a client that I have advised.
What else I have been involved with since joining?
I regularly attend and speak at conferences in Ireland and abroad. I also participate in various networking events for clients and social events for the team. I tried Yoga for a while!
Deloitte’s role in my longer term career goals
I joined Deloitte on a training contract in 2001. I have spent 15 rewarding years here. I continued to gain great and varied experience on fantastic clients while progressing through the ranks, in addition to Deloitte continuing to invest in my personal development over the years. I was appointed a tax partner in January 2015.
What I have enjoyed most
I really enjoyed by two year secondment to New York. I led Deloitte’s Irish desk, which was a great opportunity. Working with US and other international colleagues has provided a great network for me and I’m glad to say that I have continued to work with many of them since my return to Dublin in late 2012. Also, living in Manhattan for 2 years was very enjoyable!