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Energy, Resources & Industrials podcast series

Listen to our leaders as they share what’s on the horizon

Welcome to our Energy, Resources, & Industrials podcasts series, where our leaders converge to discuss some of the latest trends, opportunities, and challenges facing the industry.

Future of Utilities 

100 percent renewables Dbrief (part 2) podcast

There is really no fix recipe or map for the journey of 100% renewables but there is a three step approach taken

Marlene Motyka

In Part 2 of our podcast version of our Dbrief on “Greening your organization’s energy profile,” Marlene Motyka discusses the insights from the Renewable Transition survey and how companies are taking steps towards a renewable energy future.

Live from the 2019 Deloitte Renewable Energy Seminar

130 US cities and seven states now committed to going 100 percent renewable

Marlene Motyka

What will power the future of the renewable industry? Deloitte’s 2019 Renewable Energy Seminar, hosted in Dallas, TX provided a unique opportunity for attendees to explore the trends and issues impacting growth and innovation in the industry—and what they mean to their organization.

It was focused on the theme of renewables “Powering a bright future” and brought together leaders from energy service providers, utilities, associations, think tanks, and non-governmental organizations, as well as executives from the manufacturing, finance, and technology sectors, to share their perspectives on the drivers and opportunities in the global transition to a renewables-dominated future.

Smart cites: The Future is Electric

If you were going to design a city today, you would design it in a much more distributed, green and renewable way

Simon Dixon, Duncan Barnes and Justine Bornstein

The move towards increased electrification through greener means will change the way we power our communities, industries, and daily lives. In the context of global trends toward decarbonization, decentralization, and digitization, we can expect to see profound changes in the way we power our communities, industries, and daily lives. This podcast covers the impact of electrification and hydrogen fuel cells across the transport sector, the infrastructural changes required in our cities; the technological development that drive it, and the implications of shifting consumer and legislative requirements on business models.

Simon Dixon, Global Transport Leader, Duncan Barnes, EMEA Digital Utility Leader and Justine Bornstein, Energy & Transport Insights Leader share their views on how the transport and energy sectors are changing with host Susan McDonald, Future of Energy Manager.

Energy management—Balancing climate, cost, and choice

When the customers speak, businesses tend to listen. When stakeholders speak—i.e. investors—businesses tend to listen.

Stanley Porter and Marlene Motyka

Businesses see opportunities to create new value by conserving resources, diversifying energy sources, procuring renewables, and deploying energy management systems and applications. Host Tanya Ott met with Stanley Porter, Vice Chairman and National Industry Leader for Deloitte’s Energy, Resources & Industrials (ER&I) practice and Marlene Motyka, US and Global Renewable Energy Leader—authors of Deloitte’s 2019 Resources Study—to discuss how businesses and consumers are tackling climate change’s challenges and how to reduce carbon footprints.

Read the full report: Deloitte Resources 2019 Study

How are renewables and utilities shaping smart cities?

Deloitte created a concept of smart renewable cities (SRCs) to better describe cities that recognize sustainability goals and harness renewable energy.

Bernadette Cullinane and Marlene Motyka

As cities vie to attract growing businesses, talent, and innovation in an increasingly global competition, renewables and utilities will have a key role in achieving their smart city goals. In this podcast, Marlene Motyka, Deloitte's US and Global Renewable Energy Leader and Bernadette Cullinane, Deloitte’s Australian Oil, Gas and LNG Leader, discuss renewable energy, smart cities, global insights and the diversity of trends that the energy industry is currently seeing.

 Read the full report: Renewables (em)power smart cities

Intelligent Mining

Value beyond compliance in the wake of COVID19 and the impact on the mining sector

It comes with a significant dilemma around responsibilities to society and employees while at the same time keeping the business alive.

An interview with Andrew Lane

While mining companies have taken strides to uplift communities and deliver shared value, they have been battling to move beyond conventional ‘tick box’ compliance exercises – a key aspect highlighted in our report, Value Beyond Compliance: A new paradigm to create shared value for mines, communities and government. Today, as the COVID-19 crisis is rapidly evolving placing unprecedented pressure on communities across the globe, this issue is certainly more topical than ever.

In this podcast, Andrew Swart, Mining & Metals Leader, Deloitte Global, Andrew Lane, Mining & Metals Leader, Deloitte Africa, Patrícia Muricy, Mining & Metals Leader, Deloitte Brazil, and Henry Stoch, Sustainability and Climate Change Leader, Deloitte Canada, share their views on how COVID-19 is playing out in the mining sector across geographies, concerns around protecting the health of workers while keeping businesses alive, and the best way of working in the wake of this new normal.

Read the full report: Value Beyond Compliance 

Mining trends 2019: Forces of disruption in the mining sector

The mining industry is changing faster than ever, resulting in both greater growth potential, as well as more disruption and volatility than in years past.

Interview with Andrew Swart

In this episode of the Dig Deep Podcast, Rob Tyson, Founder and Director of Mining International Ltd. interviews Andrew Swart, Deloitte’s Global Mining & Metals Leader and briefly discusses the key trends affecting the mining industry in 2019.

Read the full report: Tracking the trends 2019 

The future of mining with wearables

If things do go wrong then wearables can aid in the location of workers for search and rescue teams.

Interview with Andrew Swart

In this podcast with Dig Deep, Rob Tyson, Founder and Director of Mining International Ltd. interviews Andrew Swart, Deloitte’s Global Mining & Metals Leader about how wearables are boosting worker safety and productivity in the mining sector—key aspects from the latest Deloitte and NORCAT report. They also discuss some interesting considerations around wearables and the challenges around implementation and scaling the technology.

Read the full report: Future of mining with wearables: Harnessing the hype to improve safety

Future of Manufacturing

Smart factories: Trends in adoption, maturity, and value realization

Achieving value from smart factory initiatives requires a significant amount of change to how work gets done, how people work, how metrics are calculated to really drive that value and create true capability versus simply installing technologies.

Interview with Paul Wellener and Ben Dollar


Manufacturers are digitizing and connecting factories to realize the benefits of the fourth industrial revolution. What opportunities and challenges are they encountering as they shift toward smart factories, and how are human and cyber roles changing? We'll discuss:

  • The maturity roadmap for smart factories and where manufacturers are today.
  • Common digital capabilities of smart factories and how manufacturers are measuring their value.
  • How digitization and automation are changing manufacturing jobs and preparations manufacturers can make for future workforce needs.
  • Challenges that could affect stakeholders' success.
  • Participants will learn results of a recent Deloitte and MAPI survey and key decisions manufacturers are making as they build smart factories.

Read the whole report.  

The positive impact of Industrial Digital Transformation

A digital transformation journey starts with understanding your customer...

Here is the beginning of a 3-part series on Internet of Things (IoT) and Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) with Helena Lisachuk, Global IoT Leader, Deloitte Netherlands.

What is Digital Transformation and why is it important for businesses? In this episode, Helena explains Industry 4.0 is a journey and IOT is one of its key pillars. The journey begins with understanding the customer, core processes, priorities, and bottle-necks to resolve.

Read our report: Manufacturing goes digital: Smart factories have the
potential to spark labor productivity


Urban Air Mobility: What remains to be done in the race to autonomy?

If you look at what the challenges are at ultimate adoption, you've got the infrastructure, vehicles, and then finally you have, the need to say it tongue in cheek, if we build it, will they come.

Live from CES 2020, Robin Lineberger, US and Global Leader, Aerospace & Defense, elaborated on what remains to be done in the “race to autonomy” for the wide-scale adoption of Urban Air Mobility, or air taxis. He shared highlights from Deloitte’s 2019 global automotive consumer survey about consumer perception towards UAM and the major milestones in order to gain consumer confidence.

Read the full report.

A one-stop Industry 4.0 solution (Global)

Companies have now started thinking about implications of the transition to Industry 4.0, what it means for them, and what it brings along.

Interview with Vincent Rutgers 

Live from IoT Solutions World Congress, Vincent Rutgers, Global Leader, Industrial Products & Construction interviewed with Industrial Internet Consortium (IIC) Voice Podcast. He talks about the power of a comprehensive solution that understands the impact of Industry 4.0 from the point of the asset to cyber security through international tax treatment for optimal success.

Watch the full video

Emerging Smart Factory Trailblazers: Capturing along the Digital Journey

50 percent of the organizations are investigating or investing in things around smart factories—we call them trailblazers.

Interview with Paul Wellener

Deloitte and MAPI collaborated on a study in which they found that smart factories have the potential to spark labor productivity. We found that there are three distinct cohorts of adopters of smart factory initiatives: Trailblazers, Explorers, and Followers. The Trailblazers are leading the way; in fact, they are seeing twice the level of gains to labor productivity compared with Explorers and Followers combined. In this podcast, Paul Wellener, Vice Chairman, US Industrial Products & Construction at Deloitte Consulting LLP, shares highlights of the study and how all manufacturers can derive business value from smart factory initiatives. 

Read the full report: Manufacturing goes digital: Smart factories have the potential to spark labor productivity 

Embracing Industry 4.0: Technology Adoption in Manufacturing

Technology is changing pretty rapidly, so companies are having to think about changing their factories as well.

Interview with Paul Wellener

Industry 4.0 promises a new digital revolution―one that synthesizes advanced manufacturing technologies to generate connected, intelligent systems that can accelerate business value. Yet manufacturers are struggling to adapt. In this podcast, Paul Wellener, Vice Chairman, US Industrial Products & Construction at Deloitte Consulting LLP, shares insights on how manufacturers can thrive in this new, digital world.

Read the full report: Manufacturing goes digital: Smart factories have the potential to spark labor productivity 

Fueling the future

How can diversity alleviate "sharks and bandwagons" in the gas sector?

Diversity can help oil and gas companies minimize risks in three ways.

Sarah McAlister-Smiley and Joanna Spanjaard

In this podcast, Sarah McAlister-Smiley, Partner, Financial Advisory at Deloitte Australia and Joanna Spanjaard, Partner, Risk Advisory at Deloitte Australia explain what they mean by “sharks and bandwagons” in the gas sector. They also discuss how companies can meet their diversity goals and encourage diversity to better manage risks.

Unpacking digital for oil and gas: why, when and how to adopt

Estimates are anywhere between 15 and 20 percent gains on both costs and productivity, just through the application of digital.

Geoffrey Cann and Rachael Goydan

Digital advances offer opportunities for oil and gas companies to lower costs of production, improve productivity, reduce carbon emissions and regain public confidence, but many companies have been slow to adopt. In this episode, we sit down with Geoffrey Cann and Rachael Goydan, the authors of “Bits, Bytes and Barrels: The digital transformation of oil and gas.” We discuss some of the reasons digital adoption is slow in the oil and gas industry, why digital is both an opportunity and a threat, the key technologies of the future, and how leaders can accelerate digital adoption within their businesses.


The unprecedented COVID-19 turmoil has forced manufacturing companies around the world to think on their feet and quickly adapt their business strategy and operations to ensure the health and safety of their people and keep their organizations alive in a rapidly evolving environment. Now what?
The new Future of Manufacturing podcast episodes: Global impact of COVID-19 on manufacturing  provide insight into the short- and long-term implications of COVID-19 for manufacturers, challenges and opportunities they will face on along the road to recovery, and what manufacturing companies must consider to thrive in a new and uncertain landscape.
Vincent Rutgers, Global Industrial Products & Construction (IP&C) Leader and country IP&C Leaders, explore how COVID-19 is playing out in the manufacturing sector across geographies, addressing top of mind executive questions from workforce safety, enabling agile production, and managing inventory, to new investments, mitigating risks and restarting the supply chain.

Impact of COVID-19 on manufacturing in the United Kingdom

Duncan Johnston, IP&C Leader Deloitte UK
Nick Davis, Industry 4.0 Leader, Deloitte UK

In this episode, Duncan Johnston, Deloitte UK Industrial Products & Construction Leader, and Nick Davis, Deloitte UK Industry 4.0 Leader, share their perspectives on the impact of COVID-19 on manufacturing in the UK. They discuss the manufacturing sectors that are affected by the lockdown and share their thoughts on what the “recover” phase could look like. They also discuss that UK manufacturing, which is currently in hibernation, plans to restart in phases. Companies are looking towards digital technologies to ensure the health and safety of workers. Duncan and Nick discuss the use of phone apps and wearables that send real time alerts and record symptoms and other remote working tools that can help keep businesses alive while maintaining social distancing rules. They also discuss how manufactures are looking to respond to the supply chain challenge by simplifying and reducing the product range and introducing simpler items to cut down the complexity around the production process. 

Impact of COVID-19 on manufacturing in Germany

Thomas Doebler, IP&C Leader, Deloitte Germany

Vincent Rutgers interviews Thomas Doebler, Industrial Products & Construction Leader for Deloitte Germany, on the impact of COVID-19 on manufacturing in Germany. Thomas discusses the implications for manufacturing companies and how they are remaining resilient during this unprecedented time. Thomas shares that the impact has been large, with 90 percent of German manufacturing companies reporting disruption in their business, especially in terms of order cuts from clientele in China, the US and Europe. Thomas mentions that when it comes to the critical question of productivity versus health and safety, clearly the later is most important for German manufacturers. He shares that new ways of operating are emerging amidst this uncertainty and companies are learning from each other on a way forward during this time. Thomas highlights another critical issue - visibility and transparency into the extended supply chain network which has been a point of discussion for a while, but now, it is needed more than ever. There is also an urgent need to restructure supply chains operating on legacy models, because there will be a greater impact on those that are not resilient.

Impact of COVID-19 on manufacturing in China

Ricky Tung, IP&C Leader, Deloitte China
Vivian Jiang, AP Clients & Industries Leader

In this episode, Deloitte China’s Vivian Jiang and Ricky Tung give their perspectives on the impact of COVID-19 on manufacturing in China. They expand on the impact on Chinese companies’ supply chains and discuss how they can mitigate risks in their supply network. They also share how Chinese companies are working to ensure the health and safety of their employees, and the innovative ways they are working with the Chinese government.


Impact of COVID-19 on manufacturing in Japan

Koji Miwa, IP&C Leader, Deloitte Japan

Vincent Rutgers interviews Deloitte Japan’s Koji Miwa on the impact of COVID-19 on manufacturing in Japan. Miwa-san discusses how Japanese companies are looking towards digital technologies to protect their workers and move forward. He also shares how manufacturer’s supply chains have been impacted, and what Japanese companies are doing to solve their supply chain issues. Miwa-san emphasizes that strong leadership from top management is critical for Japanese companies to survive after COVID-19.

Impact of COVID-19 on manufacturing in the US

Paul Wellener, IP&C Leader, Deloitte US

Paul Wellener, Deloitte United States, gives his perspective on the impact of COVID-19 on manufacturing in the US. He shares that US manufacturing companies are most focused on the health and safety of their people, and are developing plans for a staggered approach to re-starting operations. He also shares how some US manufacturers have pivoted their production to making things like personal protective equipment and ventilators. Paul discusses how manufacturers are thinking through the structural changes that they may want to make in their global supply chains and their global supply networks.


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