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2024 Global Impact Report

Global ESG highlights


Science-based net-zero targets: The SBTi has verified Deloitte’s net-zero science-based target by 2040

Progress toward near-term science-based targets

81% reduction of scope 1 and 2 emissions (goal of 70% by 2030)1

53% reduction of scope 3 business travel emissions per FTE (goal of 55% by 2030)1

30% of suppliers have science-based targets (goal of 67% by 2025)2

Progress toward other environmental sustainability goals

renewable electricity purchased (goal of 100% by 2030)
of fleet converted to electric and hybrid electric vehicles (goal of 100% by 2030)

7,803 tonnes of Sustainable Aviation Fuel certificates (SAFc) purchased


Societal investments

$416M societal investment

24M individuals reached through WorldClass

81M individuals reached toward our 100M WorldClass goal from FY2018 to FY2024


46 average annual training hours per individual3

$647M+ annual direct training investment3

21M formal training hours delivered for our people

6 Deloitte University facilities around the world

Diversity and inclusion

460,300 Deloitte people


27% women partners, principals, and managing directors5

92,910 new hires

7.23M applications received


Economic contribution

$67.2B aggregate global revenue

3.6% aggregate revenue growth from FY2023

Innovation investments

3.3% of aggregate Deloitte firm revenue 6

Deloitte Global Board of Directors 7

17 members representing 11 countries


Deloitte Global Executive Committee 7

20 members representing 8 countries



Monetary values are presented in US$ and used as the basis for revenue growth and innovation investment percentages, unless otherwise specified.

  1. Percent reduction of metric tonnes of CO2e in FY2024 vs. FY2019 base year. 
  2. Suppliers by emissions covering purchased goods and services and business travel; an additional 4% of suppliers have committed to setting science-based targets. 
  3. Training hours do not include on the job learning hours that are a core aspect of development at Deloitte. The definition and calculation methodology for this metric has been revised to include development investment. 
  4. Deloitte people align to gender identities beyond men and women. We are on a journey to more accurately and completely capture gender identity information across our network. The Talent data provided is a mix of biological sex and gender identity data based on information available at this time. In some cases where gender data is not available, the data may not sum to 100%. 
  5. Partners, principals, and managing directors refer to Deloitte firm partners, principals and US managing directors. 
  6. Based on annual survey of Deloitte firms. 
  7. Board of Directors and Executive Committee membership is presented as of 1 June 2024 to reflect composition as of the date of report publication, thus does not align with composition during the fiscal year which ended on 31 May 2024. If presented as of the end of FY2024 on 31 May 2024, figures would be: percent of women members on Deloitte Global’s Board of Directors: 35%; percent of women members on Deloitte Global’s Executive Committee: 38%.