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Deloitte Ghana's Volunteer Day Impacts 10,000 Students

Deloitte Africa on May 30, 2023 embarked on an audacious journey of redefining corporate volunteerism in Africa.

GHANA, May 30, 2023 —Deloitte Africa embarked on an audacious journey of redefining corporatevolunteerism in Africa. The leading professional services Firm in the world, rallied all its staff toput their day-to-day business aside and use their skills to support and empower theircommunities positively and sustainably. At the core of this endeavor lies the firm’s unwaveringcommitment to improving the lives of 14 million Africans by 2030.

Based on this bold objective, Deloitte's Executive Committee adopted a Volunteer Policy thatpermits their people to dedicate up to 40 hours annually to deserving causes. This significantmove toward volunteerism represents a paradigm shift and a renewed commitment to having apalpable impact on communities in which Deloitte operates.

In Ghana, over 400 staff of Deloitte spent an entire working day with two schools: Osu Cluster ofSchools and Kwashieman Cluster of Schools respectively. The Deloitte staff engaged students in reading skills to foster a reading culture in the classrooms and established literary clubs toensure proper use of the libraries that were refurbished and restocked by Deloitte and SpringUp Global Network under Deloitte’s WorldClass Program. Additionally, the staff activelycontributed by donating books to augment the existing libraries established under theWorldClass initiative. This gesture aimed to further enhance the availability of books andresources, supporting the ongoing efforts to promote literacy and education in the communities.


Deloitte Ghana's leadership played a pivotal role in enriching the program by providing mentorship, sharing their own unique professional journeys, and imparting valuable knowledgeabout different career possibilities. These discussions covered a wide range of topics, includingchoice of Senior High Schools and preferred courses of study, comportment, and effective timemanagement. Through these exchanges, doors were opened for the students to explorealternative career paths. The main goal of Volunteer Day was to impact over 10,000 studentsfrom these schools with crucial Literacy skills and resources that will shape their future.

Sharing his thoughts at the occasion, Daniel Kwadwo Owusu, the Country Managing Partner ofDeloitte Ghana, said “Volunteer Day is a reminder that no matter where you live or the skills youpossess, you can take action to make an impact in the lives of tomorrow's leaders. Literacy is anempowering and liberating force. In addition to being a fundamental aspect of the right toeducation, literacy enhances lives by broadening skills, thereby reducing poverty, andincreasing participation in the job market. This is why the staff of Deloitte Ghana dedicated anentire day to transfer literacy skills to over 10,000 students”. He further raised a clarion call tocorporate Ghana to volunteer their talent, experience, and most importantly, time to make animpact that matters in the communities they operate in.

Abena Biney, Chief Sustainability Officer for Deloitte West Africa, also provided her remarks onVolunteer Day, stating that. “The collective effort and dedication shown by our staff duringVolunteer Day in Ghana was truly inspiring. By imparting literacy skills, mentoring students, andestablishing a literacy club, we are empowering these students and paving the way for abrighter future. This initiative exemplifies our commitment to sustainable development andcommunity engagement”

About Deloitte Volunteer Day

Deloitte's Volunteer Day is an annual event dedicated to highlighting the firm's ongoing dedication to creating positive social change through community involvement. On this day, 7000Deloitte employees and leaders across Africa actively volunteer their time and expertise atvarious organizations, assisting them in tackling their most significant issues and findingsolutions. Volunteer Day serves as a powerful demonstration of Deloitte's commitment tomaking a meaningful impact in the communities it serves. The initiative benefits variousstakeholders such as entrepreneurs, NGOs, students, and community groups by providingcareer mentorship, financial literacy, and support for MSMEs.

In Ghana over 400 enthusiastic staff of Deloitte Ghana celebrated Volunteer Day by impactingover 10,000 students in two of schools; Osu Cluster of Schools and Kwashieman Cluster ofSchools on the day with literacy skills, career mentoring and establishing a literacy club.

As one of Ghana’s leading professional services firms, Deloitte provides Audit & Assurance, Tax & Regulatory, Consulting, Risk Advisory and Financial Advisory services through 400 professionals across the country.