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Helping more than 10,700 people living in energy poverty around the world

The story of SolarBuddy

Through Deloitte’s WorldClass initiative, we are committed to expanding opportunities for 100 million people by 2030. Our professionals are using their skills and expertise to mentor individuals, and to support organisations that are addressing education and skills gaps. The stories in this collection highlight some of the individuals impacted by this work.

Families living in “energy poverty” lack access to consistent electricity or power in any form. In addition to living in darkness, children in these conditions are at risk for breathing in toxic smoke from unclean energy sources, which leads to the deaths of more children each year than those who die from AIDS and malaria worldwide. In fact, the UN Foundation describes energy poverty as the world’s worst form of poverty.

By the year 2030, SolarBuddy plans to gift 6 million renewable solar-powered lights to families lacking electricity. To help, Deloitte has partnered with SolarBuddy and Australian schools to raise awareness and build portable solar lights for those in need. At MacGregor State School, students helped build 200 SolarBuddy lights for children to use for reading, cooking, or studying after dark.

SolarBuddy CEO and Founder, Simon Doble, is heartened by the collaboration between his organisation and Deloitte. “As a young, small organisation, to be partnering with such an amazing organisation as Deloitte is very, very special. Our collaboration helps us to grow our programs so that we can positively impact more children’s lives around the world.”

To date, Deloitte Australia has provided $50,000 AUD to SolarBuddy, helping more than 10,700 people living in energy poverty around the world.

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