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ESG Reporting

Deloitte helps independently prepare, audit, and/or assure disclosures of ESG-related accounting and reporting in accordance with the latest professional standards and best practices for governance and risk management.

Our wide range of ESG Reporting services covers:

  • External ESG reporting and Assurance readiness – understand the governance, risks, processes and controls you have in place for ESG data and metrics and reporting therein, and provide recommendations for improvement.

  • Assurance frameworks – responding to shareholders, banks, ratings agencies, green bond holders and other stakeholders increasing demands in a robust and efficient way.

  • Assurance review – limited assurance over select ESG metrics or report as a whole.

  • Assurance examination – reasonable assurance over select ESG metrics or report as a whole.

  • SFRD, NFRD, EU Taxonomy and CSRD reporting – we help you to create a regulatory resilient company and develop your reporting processes. We also support you with regulatory roadmaps, gap analysis and assurance.


These services improve your ability to meet stakeholders’ expectations for accurate and reliable disclosures while helping to reduce risks related to misleading or omitted disclosures and avoiding non-compliance with laws and regulations. Obtaining assurance also gives management and the board greater confidence in the completeness and accuracy of your ESG disclosures to enable them and to be confident in what they are representing to the various stakeholders.

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