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IT & Specialised Assurance

We help organisations transform the ways they leverage people, third-party relationships, technology, data, business processes and controls to manage operational risks and elevate business performance.


Outsourcing any component of a companies’ business introduces certain risks. As a consequence, the use of outsourcing requires companies to better manage their risks associated with the outsourced services.Specifically, the outsourcing companies (user organisation) require a degree of assurance that the service provider has a well-established internal control framework, that is suitably designed and operating effectively.

One of the most effective ways a service organisation can communicate information about its risk management and controls is through a service auditor report (e.g. ISAE3402).The purpose of such a service auditor report is to provide clients and/or their auditors with an objective report that expresses an opinion about the control environment of a service organisation (i.e. provider of services).

The result is an independent and objective opinion about a standardised set of service objectives that are tested only once to minimise business disruption.As a service provider, it is crucial to know the risks that may affect your clients and how to build that confidence. One way is to demonstrate that you have a well-established internal control framework that is operating effectively. That is what third-party assurance is all about.

Successful happy business group of people at work in office

Our offerings


How can we help

Your clients all require different types of assurance, e.g. on internal controls over financial reporting or compliance and operational controls relating to security or privacy.

Deloitte can help you provide your clients with an independent and objective report on the relevant aspects of your control environment. We have considerable experience of providing assurance reports on a number of topics, including:

General IT Controls in an outsourcing environment

Application and Process Controls

Protection of personal data and GDPR.

Together we will find the best solution to provide your clients with the assurance required.


Third-Party Assurance

Maturity Assessments

Value Delivered


  • Identification and assessment of risks of material misstatement, including significant risk
  • Deep technical skills and industry knowledge applied to data and control testing activities
  • Increased persuasiveness of audit evidence
  • Improved efficiency and effectiveness of audit procedures
  • Results that identify trends in the underlying data or systems that can be used to support testing conclusions and generate meaningful insights that may be communicated to management and those charged with governance
  • Assurance for third parties in a “test once” and “satisfy many” reporting model.