
Deal Catalyst

M&A projects insight expert

Companies will carry out M&A projects as appropriate along with the growth of operation scale. When implementing M&As, however, companies often face such challenges as cleansing enormous data, evaluating business assessment, and generating visualized Due Diligence Reports.

How to gain insights into the M&A lifecycle and ensure that sales growth, consumer and asset utilization information are effectively applied in business scenarios?

Deloitte has launched a professional M&A insight tool—Deal Catalyst!


Deal Catalyst

Deal Catalyst can be applied in M&A transaction processes, which develops business insights for every step of M&A lifecycle, especially at an early stage.

Asset Value

Operation Process

Based on data analysis, Deal Catalyst evaluates asset utilization rate, analyze consumer profiles, and calculates profit margins of different channels.

Data Analysis

Successful Case

A hypermarket client wanted to get a clear view of the operation status of hundreds of stores across the country. Deal Catalyst monitored business performance and sales conversion based on store‘s financial reports, rapidly identified poor-performing stores and analyzed potential causes through visual expression. Deal Catalyst generated major industry insights to instruct further analysis.

As a data-based professional insight tool, Deal Catalyst can easily identify the transaction information, enhance the value of data, and predict the industry trends during M&As.

About Deloitte HiTech Ltd.

Deloitte HiTech Ltd., being part of Deloitte's global digital strategy, positions itself as a center for innovative digital assets and IP development, to incubate, enable and disrupt. Built on Deloitte's 100-year legacy of professional services, Deloitte HiTech commits innovative technologies to fueling digital services spanning innovation incubation, technology empowerment, assets development and value delivery. The Shanghai-based digital company will further strengthen digital cooperation with government and other organizations, to accelerate innovation both in China and across the globe as it integrates cutting-edge technologies with market applications.

Contact us

Shirley Yang
Financial Advisory – Transition Services Partner

Eric Xue
Financial Advisory – Digital Solutions Director

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