Your comprehensive solution supporting end-to-end IFRS17 process
Deloitte can help you with a seamless implementation of out-of-the-box IFRS17 functionality, with possibility of easy customizations to reflect your needs. Finevare uses a proven and audited IFRS17 methodology – it is constantly verified and maintained by experienced team of actuaries, analysts and developers. Next to the portfolio valuation, Finevare offers an intuitive and easy forecast and planning functionality, covering automated & quick plan calculations, multiple plan versions, possibility of new production generation. Additionally, Finevare offers extensive set of predefined IFRS17 disclosures and business reports that can be further customized.
Finevare Enterprise IFRS17 offers the following modules to the users:
Insurance contracts valuation:
- Implemented methods: GMM, PAA
- Supports direct business and reinsurance held
- Calculation of liability of remaining coverage – PVFCF, RA, CSM
- Calculation of liability of incurred claims: FCF-LIC, RA
- Insurance service result calculation
- Calculation of the locked-in and market interest rate on group level
Cash-flows generation engine:
- Generates cashflows based on CFs patterns and configured parameters
- Allocation to Current and Future Service
- Conducting of Onerous contract test for initially recognized insurance contract groups
- Transformation of actual cash flows
Forecast and Planning:
- Automated calculation of IFRS17 results for the prognosis dates
- Automated generation of existing business runoff
- Support of expected new business generation (automated or manual or uploaded)
- Multiple versions of forecast & plan possible
Simulations and Reporting
- Automated Sensitivity analysis process for IFRS17 disclosures
- Possibility of multiple calculations to perform what-if analyses (based on different parameters or input data)
- Out-of-the-box disclosures and reports
- Easy customization of new reports
- Generation of IFRS17 accounting postings/transactions
- Verification and reconciliation of postings with IFRS17 module
Data Warehouse
- Gathers input data for Finevare from other systems. Transforms, stores and transfers them to Finevare.
- Serving as a datamart for these data