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Art & Collectibles
Wednesday, 8 March 2023 14:00 GMT

Virtual - Webinar

Event language: English

8 Mar. 2023

Wednesday, 14:00 GMT | 60 min.

Art & Collectibles

Art and collectibles often represent a sizeable and growing portion of the worth of wealthy families. With that in mind, we are delighted to be joined in this session by the Americas and EMEA Presidents of world-leading auction house, Christie’s, who will explore the latest industry trends in the art and luxury market, including the digitization of art and auctions, and the entry of new buyers under 40. We’ll also discuss the importance of regular valuations, how to find a good restorer, as well as the concept of the “collecting cycle” and how it can impact family collections.


  • Anthea Peers, President EMEA, Christie’s
  • Bonnie Brennan, President Americas, Christie’s
  • Moderated by Adriano Picinati di Torcello, Art & Finance Director, Deloitte Luxembourg