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Controllerships and Receiverships services in the Cayman Islands


Learn more about our services


Controllerships arise from regulator intervention. Our dedicated professionals have experience working closely with regulators and possess deep industry knowledge and situational experience. Controllerships serve as a powerful mechanism for taking control of an entity when faced with regulatory challenges. 

With our expertise and understanding of complex regulatory frameworks, we navigate these situations with precision and efficiency. Our team will assume control of the company and conduct thorough investigations. We analyze financial and operational aspects, identify areas of improvement, and formulate and execute effective strategies on behalf of stakeholders.


Receiverships empower secured creditors to enforce the security over their assets. By appointing a receiver in accordance with the relevant security document, creditors are not required to obtain a court order and there is no requirement to register the appointment with the Grand Court of the Cayman Islands. This streamlined approach allows for efficient asset realization and the recovery of outstanding debts. 

Our team of experienced professionals possess in-depth knowledge and expertise acting as receivers. We understand the complexities of the process and can guide you through every step of the process to ensure the highest likelihood of success. We are committed to delivering a swift, smooth, and cost-effective experience for our clients.
