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Trust Services

Designed specifically for trustees and their counsel



Our multi-disciplinary team

In an increasingly demanding business environment, with pressures from regulatory bodies and stakeholders in trust activities (beneficiaries, settlors, protectors and other interested parties), the focus on trustees has never been greater.

The legal, commercial, financial and professional risks to trustees who are responsible for complex portfolios of business continue to increase. More sophisticated beneficiaries and settlors are demanding greater transparency from trustees and placing trustees’ performance and decisions under greater scrutiny.

To meet the needs of trustees and their counsel, Deloitte has established a multi-disciplinary team made up of professionals with a breadth of specialties including forensic and dispute, restructuring, risk advisory, valuations, corporate finance, consulting and tax. Our team works closely with the trustees and their lawyers to find the right solution to any situation trustees may face.

Our services

Led by financial advisory specialists with access to deep industry expertise, our Trust Services team provides independent assistance and advice to trustees and their counsel when faced with issues that could lead to potential disputes with other parties.These issues often arise when the risks faced by trustees have been heightened through a change in circumstances of the trust.

We have significant experience in providing assistance and advice in all stages of any litigation, arbitration or other form of dispute resolution process. At the onset of any form of dispute, it is critical to have the right team of professional advisers who are familiar with the workings of the legal process and can perform their work to the standards required by the courts, using state of the art e-discovery technology.

Working closely with lawyers and stakeholders, we provide assistance with:

  • Initiating steps at the onset of threatened litigation or regulatory action;
  • Data scoping, collection, processing and hosting;
  • Review and investigation; and
  • Document production and courtroom presentation.

Whether evaluating strategic alternatives, acquisitions, or new ventures, our valuation professions can provide pricing and strategic analysis to reinforce decision making. We often produce quantitative models for evaluation of strategic options, to assist making better decisions through simplified project dynamics and allowing “what if” analysis.

Our professionals can provide credible valuation focused expert witness testimony and opinions in court proceedings. We also provide valuation services in support of arbitration, pre-trial planning, depositions, purchase price disputes, intellectual property infringement analysis and calculation of damages.

Deloitte has extensive experience in providing expert testimony whether as a single joint expert or client side expert. We attend court as required in order to supplement written reports with oral testimony and cross examination.

Our team can maximize the client’s prospects of negotiating a favorable settlement or award in disputes by obtaining and analysing information quickly and collaborating with the negotiating team. We also provide financial advice to clients and their counsel throughout the entire dispute cycle.

We can act as liquidators or receivers over trusts or trust assets in contentious circumstances.

With increased pressure from regulators , there is a strong call to seek out effective strategies to protect against the threat posed by money laundering and terrorist financing. With in-depth experience and a global network composed on industry specialists, we understand the AML risks and complexities our clients face.

We offer advisory services across the entire lifecycle of AML compliance:

  • AML program consulting and readiness assessment;
  • Independent testing and gap assessment;
  • Know Your Customer consulting; and
  • Technology consulting and managing emerging technologies such as blockchain.

Our team can review, restate or prepare trust accounts, and provide independent analysis of the trust’s financial activities where an independent and objective analysis is required.