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High-impact CEO teams: A two-part series

Managing executive polarities to create high-performing senior teams

The volume of guidance for CEOs and other business leaders grows by the day, but its quality, rigor of thought, and practicality or applicability can vary enormously. Many of the conventional models and frameworks that are available to help CEOs understand what makes an effective team tend to confuse or conflate inputs with outputs. In addition, much of the published guidance focuses on teams in their broadest sense and does not take account of the nuances and complexities, pressures and responsibilities of operating at the executive level.

We have taken our practical experience of what really matters – and what really works – when supporting executive teams across industries and geographies and combined it with research and thinking from other fields to develop a framework that helps executive teams become more effective and impactful. These articles introduce the main aspects of our framework and set the conditions to best manage complexities.

In our work with executive teams, we have found that the most-consistently successful CEOs and their teams pay particularly close attention to, and manage and keep in balance, two key polarities. Part 1 of the series explores the characteristics of managing each end of those polarities well and the drawbacks of overemphasizing one end to the exclusion of the other.

Part 2 of the articles explores the personal qualities that CEOs should develop and model, as well as how they can set the conditions for executive team effectiveness in addressing polarities. We have seen the most effective CEOs recognizing that the way they behave has a profound influence on the way their executive teams function and their collective ability to manage polarities.

Polarity 2: Enterprise Leadership

Steward the Enterprise - Manage the Business

  • My skills and talents are valued and utilized by this team
  • No one in this team would deliberately act in a way that undermines our efforts
  • If I make a mistake in this team, it is not held against me, and we learn from it
  • I feel able to raise problems, risks and tough issues even when I don't have a solution
  • I feel supported by the leader of the team and my peers
  • We never reject others for being different
  • This team listens to all points of view
  • I will say if I don't know or understand something
  • I am comfortable sharing big and bold ideas in this team
  • We individually prioritize this team despite the many pulls and pressures we have
  • We expect candor, even if it creates some social friction
  • We don't hesitate to express concerns about practices or behaviors that are detrimental to the team or the values and ethics of the enterprise and take corrective action immediately
  • We make decisions based on transparent, objective data and facts rather than on individual opinions, position, or egos
  • We have a culture of honest debate where people are expected to provide and receive constructive scrutiny and challenge of their ideas, proposals and points of view, even when doing so may feel uncomfortable or exhausting
  • We hold one another accountable for the promises and commitments that we have made
  • We do not leave issues and differences to fester - we raise and work through even the most challenging issues
  • We are expected to explain our actions or inaction
  • We are clear and aligned on why this enterprise exists and the reasons why this enterprise has been successful to date
  • We are clear and aligned on the enterprise's overarching vision and priorities, what success looks like for each and how they will be achieved
  • I can describe how my role and responsibilities and those of my peers enable the purpose, vision and priorities of the enterprise to be progressed
  • We listen to, and engage meaningfully with, our stakeholders, especially our people, customers/clients and Board
  • We are regularly horizon scanning to spot strategic opportunities and risks and new ways of operating
  • The values and ethics of the enterprise are clear and are role-modelled by all members of this team
  • We have the capabilities in place for this enterprise to grow and to be successful long into the future
  • Individual incentives and rewards are aligned to the purpose, priorities and long-term viability of the team and the enterprise
  • We are constantly learning as a team and innovating, drawing on diverse perspectives to challenge our thinking and inform our decisions
  • We demonstrate collective ownership of leadership team decisions
  • We have a track record of delivery. We have action plans in place that we monitor through to implementation and hold one another to account against
  • Meeting practices are aligned with our priorities and risks, and we make effective use of time
  • We have a relentless discipline around managing the basics of the business well
  • Effective executive governance processes and management information are in place resulting in robust and timely oversight and decision-making
  • We understand the differences between assurance, reassurance and assumption and apply these concepts appropriately in our management of the business
  • We do not let the need to respond to urgent issues distract us from delivering our core business
  • We identify, track and mitigate the key risks to our business well
  • We do not lose sight of major developments, seeing them through to closure
  • We ensure that effective controls are in place to keep the business safe

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