COVID-19, oil price shocks, and travel bans are all creating uncertainty regarding the current business environment. And as the impact of COVID-19 becomes more permanent, it is important that businesses are proactive in assessing their capability to withstand disruption and the options they have to identify, and respond to, potential opportunities. This article discusses the role scenario-based forecasting can play in navigating company finances through this level of uncertainty and disruption.
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Notwithstanding the UN trade agency estimates that COVID-19 is likely to cost the global economy $1 trillion during 2020, it is difficult to assess at this stage what the actual economic impact might be. There is, however, a demand for comment on the current economic impact of the outbreak and expectations for the future at a macro level as well as at the level of individual organizations. This article discusses the larger economic questions companies should be considering and what economic capabilities they can use to answer them.
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