Name: Angelo Barr
Alumni of Deloitte College Attended: The College of the Bahamas
Degree Completed: Bachelor of Business Administration & Accounting, Certified Public Accountant
Years at Deloitte: September 2010 - May 2016
What did you like most about your role?
What I liked most about my role was the diversity in the clients I got to interact with. During my time at Deloitte I audited a number of clients in various industries and it opened my eyes to how those industries operate. It has also allowed me to network with other professionals.
What attracted you to Deloitte?
I was encouraged by family and friends to consider Deloitte in my career pursuits as it was one of the leading firms in the profession with well trained professionals. In doing further research, and through my experience I have found this to be true. Deloitte was one of few firms that has an intern programme for college students that is flexible in working with class schedules and offering assistance in pursing the CPA certification. In addition the friendly work environment made working and learning an enjoyable experience.
Describe your role while serving at Deloitte
My role primarily involved understanding the client’s business and needs, communicating with my managers, assisting those working along with me and completing testing. Overall my role allowed me to see the entire audit process from client acceptance to the archival of the file. This diversity in roles helped my development as a competent professional and gave me the ability to work in different capacities.
What else were you involved with during your tenure at Deloitte?
I was part of the Social Committee and Junior Achievement Programme. One of the things I liked most about Deloitte was the upbeat and family oriented atmosphere. Being a part of the social committee, I was responsible for planning our annual social events such as IMPACT Day, Fun Day, the Christmas party and End of Busy Season Party (to name a few). In addition, I was an advisor for the Junior Achievement Company sponsored by Deloitte. The Programme allowed us to prepare students for life after High School by offering tips in applying to colleges, job readiness training, and developing skills necessary to manage a business.
How did Deloitte contribute towards your long term career goals?
Deloitte requires all employees to set career goals at the start of each fiscal year. My goal upon completing my Bachelor’s degree was to obtain my CPA and Deloitte was instrumental in this process by offering paid study leave and financial assistance with exam related expenses. Not having to worry about finances while studying was a major help. In addition to exam support, Deloitte is a training employer and so I was able to obtain sufficient hours to apply for my license while working and studying at the same time.
My goal was to gain as much experience in the field as possible and this was accomplished at Deloitte. Annual training during the summer was mandatory. This is in addition to other learning resources available throughout the year online and abroad. This coupled with the exposure to various clients continued to aid in creating a wealth of experience. In addition, client facing engagements helped me improve my skills in interacting and communicating with others, skills that are vital for any profession.
What did you enjoy most?
The thing I enjoyed most about working at Deloitte was the varied roles that I was able to work in. I began at the firm in the Finance Department before moving to the Audit Department. My job never got boring as the environment was constantly changing and there was always a new challenge to be mastered.
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